Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day Trip VIII

While walking around the plaza in Las Vegas I noticed this woman sitting in the window of the Plaza Hotel. I was curious what she might have been doing so I walked over to find that she was taking in the sights and reading at the same time. I also happened to catch a nice reflection of the trees too. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

A double whammy Randy, nice one! What a super spot she has there to watch the comings and goings, gorgeous windows too!

Lowell said...

Terrific shot, Randy. Did you talk to her? Looks a bit like she's also talking on the phone.

Nancy said...

Lovely composition Randy. Reflection has two meanings in your image. :)

Thérèse said...

A pretty nice spot to see what's going on outside...
Nice catch!

Michael Rowland said...

Lovely windows and trim, must be an interesting view of the street from where she's sitting.

Anonymous said...

Like it!

Birdman said...

Looks like a bit of spring fever?

Anonymous said...

nice capture

Sharon said...

that looks like something I would do! I love to look out the windows.

Kate said...

Am really enjoying your series on Las Vegas. On our way to Charleston we spent one night in El Paso, IL, Interesting names, aren't these in these locations?

The windows and the woman reading is a great slice of life!

cieldequimper said...

Excellent shot Randy! Beautiful building and the blue of the woman adds so much as she seems to reflect on life...

I had a photo a bit like this of someone sitting on the windowsill in Camden, London. I lost all my photos of London... :-(

turquoisemoon said...

This photo is awesome!

Judy said...

I love this picture. The curtains are lovely and the girl sitting on the sill adds human interest. This building and the one yesterday are the reason that I like the little old towns.

Michelle said...

Looks like a nice spot to catch up on some reading and enjoy the fresh air.

Judy said...

What a neat place to live.

TexWisGirl said...

what a great photo! love it!

Marcel said...

" don't fall"

Unknown said...

Great capture! The windowns are beautiful and the girl is a lovely bonus.

Adele said...

Perfect. Happy Sunday, Randy.

Warren said...

great picture, its nice to see spontaneous photos like this of people doing real things! :-)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love this!!!

Allison said...

This photo I love. Wish it had been me in that window! I'd have taken you to coffee. ;)

RedPat said...

Super catch and a great shot!

VP said...

A surprise at the window of the first floor, or the second floor, as you say...

Elettra said...

excellent photo!

parker said...

What a view she must have from her lofty perch. In fact, A birds eye view!

Jack said...

Such a fine composition, Randy.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love, love this shot for the color, the reflection, the architecture, and of course, for the woman in the window.



A lovely capture! Reflecting on reflections, I'd love to see what she sees.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

That's sexy ...

Cezar and Léia said...

Outstanding capture, I love the girl at the window, you have clever eyes my friend, bravo! :)

Marty said...

this is so beautiful ! that girl, and the reflections ! love it

Kathy said...

And I thought she was on the phone!

Ron said...

This is a great shot. The lady in the window makes the shot.

Virginia said...

Primo catch here Randy. She looks like you could have posed her up there!

Lynette said...

Easy to see why this one is loaded with comments, Randy. It's perfect.

vn said...

looks just the perfect moment to be in.