Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day Trip 10

This window was part of another empty store front along Bridge street in Las Vegas. I guess I was meant to be here in front of this window since it was displaying my last name. This concludes our excursion to this great little town only an hour east of Santa Fe.


Anonymous said...

Nice !

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Randy,

So your last name is Valencia or Moreno?
Duncan In Kuantan

Allison said...

Am I the only dip-whit that kept thinking ... "Is he sure he's in Las Vegas (Nevada), there aren't enough lights, it seems to me. This IS a new neighborhood..."


Tanya Breese said...

phew, i thought i was lost for a second!

Cezar and Léia said...

I like these streets maps. I hope you were not lost there! :)

Nancy said...

Would that be Valencia or Moreno? :)

EG CameraGirl said...

An old map in a window declaring where you were...and it had your name on it. Now that's fun!

Halcyon said...

Here is always where you are. Unless you're there. ;)

Kate said...

I wonder how many with your namesake live in the US?

Lynette said...

Hey, Randy, thanks for the special tour. Enjoyed each part of it!

Sharon said...

Something tells me that it would be difficult to get lost in Las Vegas.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy hello!

I sure hope you are enjoying your day trips, looks like fun.
2013 came in with a huge bang, I've been off blogger for awhile, just catching up now. Great photos as usual Randy.

Lowell said...

This is just great! What a wonderful coincidence. X marks the spot and the spot is Moreno Street! Got me smiling!

Anonymous said...

Randy X. Hmm..any relation to Malcolm? :)

Judy said...

Wow, that is too cool!

TexWisGirl said...

you are such a tease! never showing us yourself. not sharing your email address. now dangling a potential last name in front of us like a carrot.

VP said...

A funny and original end for an interesting trip!


A map to help center you *and* declare your name. Nice capture:)

Kathy said...

Yout last name is You Are?

Kathy said...

I hope you can read over my typo. You Are rather that Yout Are or whatever I typed! Don't you hate it when you see the mistake at the instant you click send!

Peter said...

nice way to end in the x

cieldequimper said...

Lol, now Im wondering what your name is! :-)

RedPat said...

What a cool find!

parker said...

Enjoyed the tour of Vegas. No bright lights just great street scenes. New Mexico style. Thanks!

Jack said...

It has my last name, too. X!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It was fate Randy V ......or M!