Friday, February 22, 2013

I See a Weekend In Your Future

This was at a local shop close to my work. How often do you see (no pun intended) a bunch of heads watching the road. Happy weekend everyone.


Thérèse said...

Have a nice weekend!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Did you feel like you were being watched Randy? Happy weekend to you.

VP said...

It depends by the passers-by...

Halcyon said...

Haha! Great find. You've got me smiling today. :)

Allison said...

I saw that in Basel almost two years ago and posted a similar picture. It also stopped me in my tracks. :))

Luis Gomez said...


parker said...

I feel as if I'm being stared at! Weekends best to you!

Sharon said...

Clever post today!

TexWisGirl said...

great catch! and perfect title, again!

Anonymous said...

Blank stares

Lowell said...

Fun shot! I'd write some more but I don't want to make a spectacle of myself!

Have a great weekend, Randy!

Michaele said...

Glad I am not paranoid!

RedPat said...

Love it Randy! Great fun.

EG CameraGirl said...

I admit that you made me laugh out loud. :) Hope your weekend is wonderful, Randy!


Ahaha, yes I get the feeling I'm being watched:) Have a fun and relaxing weekend!

cieldequimper said...

You're too funny! They look like something out of a 1960s movie! Happy Friday!

Peter said...

Neighbor hood watch, looks cool.

Marty said...

so many things to see outside the shop !
have a happy weekend Randy

Jack said...

Well, Randy, you got a smile out of me today.

Lúcia said...

Cool find Randy! ;-)

Unknown said...

Cool! :-)