Sunday, February 17, 2013


What we all need on a Sunday,Peace.


Cezar and Léia said...

An important message with so cute composition in this image!
Happy Sunday!

Nancy said...

Looks like spring is coming to your town. :) Peace backatcha Randy.

Kathy said...

And I'll just expand on that to say it's what we need every day!

cieldequimper said...

Definitely. That's why I've been house cleaning like possessed since this morning! :-) Happy Sunday!

Tanya Breese said...

perfect sunday post :)

Lowell said...

Agreed! Nice shot and nice thought for the day. Let it begin with me.

Hope it's a good day for you and tomorrow, too!

Traveling Hawk said...


Anonymous said...

pretty Cool

Judy said...

Indeed! This one is perfect for Sunday and every day.

Michaele said...

LOVE this Randy! I gave my daughters those same peace flags for Christmas this year.

Sharon said...

Beautiful message.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Absolutely Randy, hope that you're enjoying your long weekend, still another day..lucky you, enjoy!

VP said...

I absolutely agree...

Michelle said...


parker said...

I echo your sentiment!

RedPat said...

Serenity now! ;-)

Lúcia said...

Perfect photo for a Sunday post. :)

Sandy said...

Agreed! Very nice and peaceful. =)

Marty said...

yes peace each day and everywhere !

Anonymous said...

We need it 7 days a week. Nice sentiment Randy.

Jack said...

Peace be with you, Randy.


Beautiful. Thank you.

Peter said...

Oh yeah!

Kate said...

It's a good goal for every day!

Unknown said...

Peace is all we need.