Thursday, February 28, 2013

Inn and Spa at Loretto

I've shown you the Inn and Spa at Loretto before but as I was walking by the other day I could not resist taking this shot. The sky was just so blue and there was still a patch of snow on the ground. For some really nice photos click on the link.


Cezar and Léia said...

So beautiful entrance and I love the sunlight, a perfect day!

Anonymous said...


Traveling Hawk said...

It looks good indeed, this way. Spring is coming, Randy, to you too:)

Tanya Breese said...

you sure don't see buildings like that out here!

Halcyon said...

Love the adobe!

Kathy said...

Once those trees bud out it will be very lovely.

parker said...

Nice indeed! Would like to spend a month there if I had the dollars. Would be a perfect spot to explore the Plaza district from. Wouldn't even need a car!

Adele said...

What a nice place! Beautiful shot.

Sharon said...

Some day I'd like to stay here!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It' looks wonderful Randy, very intriguing glimpse into the interior there.

TexWisGirl said...

looks so inviting!

Judy said...

Who could resist that beautiful sight. A friend of ours stayed there once and got the royal treatment.

Anonymous said...

Looks pricey.

Luis Gomez said...

What a great place Randy!

Lowell said...

I hope you continued to to class and didn't make a day of it at the spa. I mean, really, what can you learn at a spa? Don't answer that!

Love that sky! Looks like one of those very special winter days!

Kate said...

A classic shot of adobe and Southwest sky!

RedPat said...

I could handle a week or so there! It looks so Santa Fe!


Now that is a sight no one could resist, you captured it so beautifully! I love the adobe structures everywhere.

Dawn said...

Incredible Blue.

VP said...

It looks like a bunker of sort from a Mad Max movie!

cieldequimper said...

I think I remember the website. Gorgeous!

Marty said...

the warm colour of the walls, the blue sky and the snow, together, that is just amazing

Judy said...

The sky is blue. I would love to walk in there.

Sandy said...

beautiful building and sky. Nice capture! xo

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Looks like a lovely place to stay. Less pricey than I imagined.

Unknown said...

Fantastic architecture under a wonderful blue sky!