Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day Trip VII

This is one of the vacant buildings in the plaza area of Las Vegas. Not sure what this was in the old days but it is still such a beautiful building. Look at the details at the top.


parker said...

Check out those big windows and balcony! One could simply step out their window onto the balcony and enjoy the street scenes; maybe even a parade! Nice pic of a beautiful building!

Nancy said...

With all the windows and balcony... maybe a house of ill repute? :)

Anonymous said...

Looks much like the Bird Cage Theatre in Tombstone, AZ.

Tamera said...

Wow, the detail in that building is awesome!

Unknown said...

Love the top of this building!

RedPat said...

It has been beautifully restored and maintained!

cieldequimper said...

D'you think I could live there and open a crêperie downstairs? Hmmmm, today is crêpes day in France and I don't even know how to make them properly, i.e. very, very thin... Gorgeous building!

Thérèse said...

Beautiful details up there. High ceilings on the second floor perhaps...

Luis Gomez said...


Peter said...

My money is on a bank, looks solid.

Kathy said...

Such a pretty building in great need of an occupant. Hope it finds one soon.

Michaele said...

Really nice detail. I see reflections too :)

Judy said...

That really is a beautiful building.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I can't believe it's vacant. Now that the economy appears to be looking up someone will open ice cream shop or something.

Anonymous said...

A nice one!

Birdman said...

Beauty, I guess. Why hasn't someone 'jumped' on this.

Michelle said...

Sadly buildings are not designed like this much anymore!

Adele said...

Wow. Beautiful building. I'd put in a bookstore/coffee shop.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It is a very nice building Randy , hopefully it won't stand vacant too long and end up falling apart through neglect.

VP said...

I agree with you: this building is lovely anyway!


It is a beauty, both building and shot. It really pays to look up:)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Gorgeous facades and it is vacant, so well maintained !