Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Walking Along Aspen Vista

This is one of the amazing views that you will see as you hike along Aspen Vista trail. It's a great hike in any season, yes even the Winter.


Olivier said...

quel magnifique paysage, superbe couleur

Traveling Hawk said...

Beautiful autumn colors.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

That is an amazingly gorgeous scene Randy! Just beautiful!

Kate said...

Gorgeous! Almost as pretty as Midwest red maples in the fall ! :>)

Kathy said...

Aspen time in the mountains - oh, what a treat!

Tanya Breese said...


Sharon M said...

Very pretty! I enjoy your blog.

Deborah said...

gorgeous Randy ...

Judy said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Luis Gomez said...


Sharon said...

That is simply gorgeous!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fabulous autumn colour Randy, what a walk this would be.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Randy. Would love to photograph that and hang it up at home.

becky said...

Gorgeous, Randy!
Hope there are still leaves on the trees today... my Mom & gram just got in last night & I am planning on taking them up. I hope you are doing well! How is your class going? Mine have been conspiring to keep me quite busy, but I enjoy it. Sorry I don't get by to visit often these days... I am trying to get as much done as possible in hopes of participating in the student sale this winter.

Sergio DS said...

Really amazing. Great landscape.

EG CameraGirl said...

Golden and lovely!

TexWisGirl said...

holy smokes!

Virginia said...

Oh wow. I'd never be able to leave that spot. What a glorious view and those yellow trees are amazing. I dream of visiting Santa Fe one day.

Anonymous said...

A pretty place :)

Halcyon said...

That is a nice view! Love all the yellow.

Leslie D. said...

Holy cow amazing color!

RedPat said...

Spectacular coulours, Randy!

VP said...

What an incredible view!

Nancy said...

Amazing fall colors Randy! Thanks so much for sharing. :)


That is stunning! I can't wait for our leaves to turn (it's slow going this year:)

Sandy said...

Lovely yellow trees.

Lowell said...

Nothing like an aspen forest in the fall! Reminds me of Colorado!

Thérèse said...

Nothing nicer than Aspen in autumn.

Ron said...

Great color! All of our trees are going straight to brown because of a lack of water.

Quynh Le said...

It's a beautiful shot! I like the way you choose the angle on this one. Good work!

Magpie said...

This literally takes my breath away!