Thursday, October 11, 2012


Well tonight is my mid-term. The website is complete but nothing fancy. I only hope it doesn't fail during the presentation. If I look as good as this wilting flower after this week it would be a miracle. Well there's no turning back now. Until tomorrow everyone.


Olivier said...

belle photo et profondeur de champs. j'aime beaucoup

Thérèse said...

I love your today's picture! There is much beauty in withering flowers as well as "midterms" are part of future graduation :-)
and I am sure everything will be fine with your presentation. Remember "think positive."

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

All the best Randy, and hope everything goes well!
Duncan In Kuantan

Unknown said...

What a beautiful 'decay' shot, Randy!

parker said...

I am confident your presentation will go just fine!
The frost bit flower pic is so nice!

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful picture and don't sweat it, you'll do great!

Ron said...

Good luck!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Good luck with your midterm!

Sharon said...

Love these flowers! Good luck on the presentation.

TexWisGirl said...

bless you! :)

Anonymous said...

You'll do fine.

VP said...

Good luck, but I am sure you won't need it!


Good luck and I bet it'll go great! Your flower is gorgeous, such beauty even in decay.

Judy said...

Best of luck!

RedPat said...

Thinking positive thoughts for you and sending them your way!

cieldequimper said...

All the best!!!

EOS Designer said...

beautiful macro

Nancy said...

Beautiful African Daisy (I think that's what they are called.)

Best wishes on your project -- I know you will do fine.

Magia da Inês said...

Bela foto!
Bom fim de semana!


Kathy said...

You should take more flower pictures, Randy. This is stunning.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Randy, you must be too humble ! All will end well ! until tomorrow we meet again in the Web Space !

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful image.

Lynette said...

Actually, I think the wilting flower looks spent, in a good way, Randy. I hope success came your way.

About that big R, last year at a fantastic antique place in nearby Aurora, Oregon, I bought a big red L (not sure it ever was used on a marquee because the back part of it is sort of nice paperboard) and a not-as-big-but-big metal E, covered with bright yellow enamel, baked on. The L is for my sons and me and my dearly departed husband LeRoy. The E is for my little Mama whose name was Edna.

Magpie said...

I'm playing catch up and now I'm on pins and needles to see how you did!