Monday, October 8, 2012

Color and Light

"I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself." - Edward Steichen


BlueShell said...

Hi Randy! Nice to come and see such beautiful photo...what a color...
Congrats. Hope you are Okay!
Here in Portugal we still miss rain...Agriculture is going into a bigger crisis...
Too hot for this time of year...

Marty said...

these autumn colors are really beautiful and yes give an amazing light !

Olivier said...

belle profondeur de champs et couleurs

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Very nice autumn shot!
Beautiful light!
Have a nice week
Yvonne & Raphael

VP said...

He is probably right!

Ron said...

Very nice orangish-red. Everything is going from green straight to brown here. Not many colors like that in our area this year.

Nice shot!

Luis Gomez said...


EOS Designer said...

Beautiful Macro! Congratulations

Tanya Breese said...

pretty fall colors!

Birdman said...

I'm keeping the Steichen words. He should know.

Traveling Hawk said...

Especially the autumn light, I would add...

TexWisGirl said...

what a great quote to go with that image!

Sharon said...

A very true quote! You are blessed with some wonderful color in your part of the country.

Anonymous said...

Nice. This brings to mind I haven't gone out to get any fall colour fotos myself. Best get with the program.

parker said...

What an insightful quote! Love the simple showing of colorful leaves!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yesterday a forest Randy, today a leaf..brilliant autumn colours.

Lúcia said...

Autumn colours are so beautiful, I like the quotation too! ;-)


You're finding lovely words to go with these lovely pictures - wonderful shot!

RedPat said...

Another wonderful shot, Randy!

Dorothy said...

The real magician??? Our Lord!!!

Unknown said...

I like your last photo, it's a shame that the summer has ended, although here too orange colors have also arrived.

Adele said...

Very autumnal!

Magpie said...

Perfect quote with the perfect photo.