Monday, October 15, 2012

41st Annual Balloon Fiesta

Saturday was a late night but I managed to get up at 3am to drive down to Albuquerque for the 2012 Balloon Fiesta. Needless to say I have been walking around like a zombie all day bu I think I managed to get some good shots. This is the Dawn Patrol getting ready to start the day. I hope your week is spectacular.


Olivier said...

MAGNIFIQUE photo de nuit, on dirait des lanternes

Carola said...

Wonderful glowing ballons. Must have been a great festival!

Jim Klenke said...

fantastic shot

VP said...

So beautiful and spectacular! I would really like to watch a feast like this!

Tanya Breese said...

great shot, and wow, what dedication, up at 3?!!

parker said...

Very nice shot Randy. I see the Stars and Stripes are lit up proudly displayed!

Lowell said...

Well, your balloon shots already made for a spectacular start to the week! Well done, Randy!

Sharon said...

What a gorgeous photo Randy!

Jack said...

3 a.m.? My, my. You are a diligent photographer.

Anonymous said...

I'd get up at 3am for that!

TexWisGirl said...

like HUGE japanese lanterns! :)

Chrissy Brand said...

Looks great fun!

Kathy said...

My grandson was there for the weekend. He said he saw you wandering around with your camera around your neck!

Unknown said...

So cool! Great night shot, randy.

RedPat said...

Fabulous shots Randy. What a thrill that must have been for you to see this event!


If there's anything worth being a zombie for, it would be this! Gorgeous shot and light, I've always wanted to see this - thanks for the glimpse:)

Lúcia said...

I'm glad you woke up early, it's a beautiful shot! ;-)

Michaele said...

My daughter tried to go and said it was rained out. You must have been there at just the right time. I wondered if they would try again. Wonderful shots! Worth the trip : )

cieldequimper said...

Ah that's magical! And you are amazing! I don't think I'd have managed getting up in the middle of the night!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela fotografia...Espectacular....

Ron said...

I've always wanted to do that, except for the 3:00 a.m. part!

Traveling Hawk said...

A nice photo! It reminds me on my own travel by hot air baloon in Cappadocia:)

Judy said...

Wonderful! I went to that once and it was such a fun time! Wish I were there.

Michelle said...

You are a dedicated photographer to be up at 3am to capture this shot!

becky said...

Hi Randy,
I'll bet you aced that midterm! No, I didn't go to the Balloon Fiesta- I have spent every spare moment when I'm not working in the clay studio. I am starting to think I am missing a lot of what is going on around town! Just when I think "I've got to take a break from clay," I start a new project, & then I'm obsessed until it's finished.
Glad you got to go! Wow, 3 a.m.!? Looks like it was worth it. I've never been to dawn patrol or the nite glow. Look forward to more pics :)

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Randy!

Virginia said...

OH WOW! I have ALWAYS wanted to photograph a balloon race and you did it so well. What a shot.

Thérèse said...

It is so wonderful Randy!
A marvelous way to celebrate the end of your midterm! Worth getting up early... :-)

Sandy said...

Very nice!!

Halcyon said...

Gorgeous! I'd love to be there. :)

Anonymous said...

:) nice

Kay said...

Sequim, WA (on the Olympic Peninsula) had its first ever balloon festival early last month. I'm pleased to see that one of the balloons we had here appears on the ground at the very left of your shot. These pilots really get around, don't they?

Kay said...

These are all great shots. Love how you captured the glow.

I took a lot of shots of our balloon festival but 3 a.m. is beyond my commitment. Our balloons didn't go up until 7 a.m.. . .the middle of the day by your standards!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Spectacular night shots, well worth getting up early for!

Magpie said...

I had to backup on your posts so I could see these amazing shots. Too wonderful!! I bet it was cold though.

Stefan Jansson said...

wow. spectacular scene.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'd love to see these balloons all lighted up. But doubt I'd get up at three in the morning. So thinks for doing the work for us.