Tuesday, October 9, 2012

San Francisco Street Bar and Grill

One of my favorite places to eat downtown is the San Francisco Street Bar and Grill. I really like their salads and a friend of mine says they have good hamburgers. I'll take their word for it. **Sorry I missed your blogs today. Still working on my mid-term website. I would say I am a little over 50% done. Two more days left.


Olivier said...

superbe enseigne, mon frère qui fait collection des hamburgers aimerait bien avoir celui de l'enseigne ;))

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Randy, I do love anywhere that sells a good salad!
Duncan In Kuantan

Traveling Hawk said...

Nice sign over there.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder if San Francisco here has a Santa Fe Street Bar & Grill. Hang in there on those mid-terms.

Luis Gomez said...

Time to go for lunch.!

parker said...

From the looks of their sign it would make one think Burgers is the specialty. Neat sign!

Tanya Breese said...

i would try a hamburger! good luck with your project!

Judy said...

Good luck on the mid-term.

Kate said...

I'm going to miss SF this coming winter; we decided to go to Charleston, SC for a change.

Sharon said...

This looks like a good place to stop after your long walk among the changing leaves.

Adele said...

I like the reflection. Good luck with the mid-terms!

TexWisGirl said...

i like their hanging burger. :)


Mmm, I'd happily dine there! Good luck w/rest of midterms. No pressure to visit blogs amidst it all (unless it serves a nice break:)

Judy said...

I like that hanging hamburger!

RedPat said...

I'm hungry and even more so now! Good luck finishing the website.

VP said...

This is my favorite kind of signs! Love the hangin' burger!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hope all is going well with your mid terms!

Nancy said...

Good luck with your project. :)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

The description is tempting! Almost there in your project !

Thérèse said...

This will be a good place to celebrate for you in two days! Good luck.

Jack said...

Hmmm, that hanging hamburger looks a bit out of place. Good luck on your project. I haven't been around recently, either. I was traveling and my laptop died.