Friday, October 5, 2012

Lunch Hour

Lately this is what my lunch hours consist of, studying. While I was out at the park the other day I was reading when this leave fell on my book. It was a great reminder for me not miss the beauty that was surrounding me. I hope you see something beautiful this weekend enjoy. **On a side note, I have a mid-term coming up where I have to build a website from start to finish by next Thursday. I will try my best to visit your blogs but if I miss it you will know why.


Judy said...

Fall came quickly to Santa Fe!
Maybe this leaf would like to become a bookmark.

TexWisGirl said...

good luck w/ the midterm project!

but i love nature's reminder for you to take a breath and look around now and again. :)

Anonymous said...

Cool capture Randy. Build a website...I cannot imagine.

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely shot Randy!

VP said...

You got a very nice picture almost out of nothing, and this is creativity at its best!

Lúcia said...

I'm going out for lunch now, I hope I find something beautiful too. ;-)


Best of luck on the midterm! Despite your busy-ness, you saw & captured something beautiful!

RedPat said...

Good luck with all that Randy! A nice pic & a good reminder.

Michaele said...

OMG! If you have to build one - you might as well sell something : ) like goat's milk soap?

EG CameraGirl said...

All the best on your mid-term, Randy. Meanwhile, it wasn't an accident that the leaf landed on your book. I'm glad you know that. :))

Michelle said...

Good luck on your mid-term project!!!!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Nature is calling you to take a break !

Thérèse said...

This midterm is a tough one! This little leaf will help destressing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Good luck with the project Randy, remember to make time for beautiful moments like these.

Halcyon said...

I like the contrast between the yellow leaf and the white page.

becky said...

I love this. I too get so focused that sometimes I forget about the world going on around me. Enjoy this beautiful weekend.... though I know you are working hard!

Jack said...

Nice image, and it compares nicely with tomorrow's image. Good luck with your project.

EOS Designer said...

I love this picture

Magpie said...

I would get no studying done...just like I'm thinking I wouldn't get much hiking done on your walks. I would be standing there with my mouth hanging open...taking it all in.