Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Cap?

Click on this one for a better look. I don't know that I would wear this hat, would you? Looks like something you would see on Elizabeth Taylor.


jennyfreckles said...

Tee hee - I even more wouldn't wear those jeans!

Olivier said...

c'est ca être à la mode ;)))

Kathy said...

The height of fashion?

VP said...

I laughed at your description of the hat. No way I'm wearing this even in extreme cold!

marty said...

Perhaps warm !! Why not if she feels
fine ! the trousers and jacket are
"bizarre" too !!!
have a nice day !!

Irredento Urbanita said...

That's right. I remember Liz Taylor had a hat like that, and it was hippie-glamorous.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Lúcia said...

It is not my style...hahaha
Have a very nice day Randy!

Kate said...

The hat looks okay, but I don't think I'd wear that jacket and jeans.

Luis Gomez said...

Not my style but it is interesting.

Life Is A Road Trip said...

Kinda look like a big Q-tip, but I bet it keeps the noggin warm.

Sharon said...

It sure does! Are you sure it wasn't Elizabeth?

Eleanor said...

The dilemma is often cute or warm? You're lucky when you can do both.

lizziviggi said...

Hmmm, that hat is an interesting choice. Perhaps it completes the ensemble?

Anonymous said...

Based on the rest of his or her's attire it is probably something found and one has to make-do as best as they can these days.

Judy said...

The whole outfit is interesting. I don't think I would buy the hat but if it's warm and it's what you have, go for it. People should wear what they like. Great find, Randy.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look too big!
Cool catch!

Amanda said...

I sound like an old lady, but is that a boy or a girl!?

Jack said...

I know so little about fashion and cool. I would probably wear everything that others think is dorky.

Birdman said...

Ya need BIG hair for this one.

RedPat said...

If it is cold enough I would wear any hat - you should have seen what I had on my head on Sunday for my photo session -Very scary!

Unknown said...

I never wear hats, hate it! LOL! You made me smile with the Liz Taylor thing. :-)

Shannon said...

No, it isn't something I'd choose for myself unless it was really cold out and I had no other options and wanted a warm head. But I'm glad people have unique senses of fashion so we aren't all the same, keeps it interesting.

cieldequimper said...

I knew this wasn't my gran because she never wore jeans, let alone THAT kind of jeans! Lol! :-)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Interesting find.

Youth_in_Asia said...

It is a bit out there. Looks a little Bohemian to me. There are some styles I just don't understand.

Magpie said...

Good catch! Not something I would wear, but to each their own.

Michael Valčić said...

I've seen a few people walking around with those here. The first time I saw one, I though it was a dead animal.

Great capture!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I thinks he's a rasta...I bet there a bunch of dreadlocks under that hat.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a beanie to me.

Michelle said...

I have to say that the outfit, as a whole, is quite interesting.

T. Becque said...

And it's a guy wearing it?!

Allison said...

The truth is... no hats look good on me! So I wouldn't wear this one. But my little girl might! :D

Lowell said...

I think that hat
Is where it's at!
'Specially today
In Santa Fe!


becky said...

I don't know that I'd wear it, but it seems to go w/ his ensemble!