Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Royal Rose

It's not every day that you find royalty in the garbage and I don't make it a habit of looking at garbage everyday for a good photo. Some how this box from some vegetables caught my I as I was getting in my car. I guess there can be enchanting photo opportunities everywhere you look.


Anonymous said...

Everywhere! :)
Nice catch Randy!

Olivier said...

Beau coup d'oeil ;))

Cezar and Léia said...

You are a great finder my friend, and that "logo"is very interesting!

Allison said...

Ha! You can say that again. Finding beauty in the ordinary... that is something that draws me to your blog, Randy. I love this.

Traveling Hawk said...

Smart idea for subject!

VP said...

A strange find, I am going to keep an ey on our garbage...

Regina K said...

Randy, only you can turn garbage into art. Good find!

Anonymous said...

Nice find!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Lúcia said...

You're right Randy!
Very well seen, this is a nice box (and I also like the snow details). ;-)

Lowell said...

You almost made a vegetarian out of me!

Kate said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! We photo bloggers are forever on the alert.

Sharon said...

She looks a little like Rosarita another queen of food products.

marty said...

je suis d'accord avec toi, partout où
tu regardes, tu trouves quelque
chose de beau ou de drôle ou
d'original à photographier ! the
photographer eye is everywhere !!!
bisous Randy

Luis Gomez said...

Funny that you ran into it! You are right, just keep your eyes open and camera ready!

Carola said...

Yes, trash is photogenic. And things may look different and funny in this context.

Magpie said...

Wow, there really is beauty everywhere we look, if we have the eye to find it...and you obviously do. Nice shot.

Jack said...

Randy, it would never have occurred to me . . .

becky said...

It could be framed & made into art! One person's trash, another's treasure. I think artistic people find the beauty in the detail... and see something interesting in objects others would walk on past. Good eye.

Anonymous said...

Oh but just think of the all photographic wonders you missed by not lifting the lid of the dumpster.

Judy said...

When I started to take photos, I started looking at the world in a whole new way. I look more closely and I am always hunting the unusual. That is what I see here in the photo that you took. Great find and good eye!

Halcyon said...

So, what are "Italian Vegetables"? Inquiring minds want to know!

I like the logo in any case. Who knows what you might find in the trash.

lizziviggi said...

Coming from the very "green" northwest, all I could think was-- what, no recycling? ;-)

Amanda said...

Photo opportunities everywhere!

RedPat said...

Camera always on the ready!

cieldequimper said...

You're incredible!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

And I must say, a good framing of it... well seen.

Michael Valčić said...

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Great find!

Youth_in_Asia said...

It takes a good eye. Most people would just walk by. Nice shot.

Michelle said...

You have quite an eye to find things!

Anonymous said...

I prefer Pink Lady! ;P

Unknown said...

'Royalty in the garbage'! LOL! Cool find.

Anonymous said...

Nice catch, Randy!

Carola Bartz said...

Such a wonderful shot!