Friday, January 28, 2011

Smile, It's Friday!

While out on a hike last weekend I came across this smiling little stick figure on the trail. I thought he would be a perfect way to express how I felt that day and even more so today. Enjoy your weekend everyone and as always thanks for spending a little of your time here on my blog!


Allison said...

Simply content.

Traveling Hawk said...

How nice! Somebody was in a good mood there :)

Dawn said...

Oh what a find!!!! And it made me smile too...thanks! 'Cause I forgot it was FRIDAY!!!!!! (Phew! what a week!!)

Olivier said...

Merci pour ce sourire du Vendredi ;)) bon Weekend

Alain said...

I like that! Hope you have a good weekend as well!

VP said...

It's a sign, the universal sign of the coming weeken! OK, I made this up, but I like to think it is...

Marty said...

It's always very nice to spend time on your blog Randy ! this is a very
funny and lovely image ! love it !
wonderful weekend to you

Lúcia said...

Finally it's Friday!
Nice shot Randy, impossible to not smile. ;-)

Irredento Urbanita said...

Yes, the day of Venus, smiles for you too and have a nice weekend!!



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Anonymous said...

Nice find!
You had a heartwarming meeting, didn't you?
Enjoy your weekend, too!

Luis Gomez said...

Thanks Randy. Funny capture, have a nice one as well.
Btw, you have no idea how much Lupe is enjoying the snow.

Sharon said...

I think a happy person created this.

pgogo said...

Thank you.
A great week-end to you too!

Anonymous said...

It's adorable! Have a great weekend, Randy.

Kathy said...

I'm smiling!

Kate said...

Child's play or an adult with an adult heart reacting to love of life?!

Cezar and Léia said...

You brought a lovely smile here in my face, thanks so much!
Your creative post is wonderful!
A nice weekend dear friend,


Magpie said...

Too funny! I'm glad you met this smiling fellow on your hike and shared him with us.
I love what someone said about Friday being the day of Venus. Somehow that made it even better.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well, in all my miles of hiking I have yet come across one of these. They must be extremely rare here in California. A good weekend to you too.

becky said...

Happy Friday, Randy! Cute pic. Hope your first week of classes went well.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Great capture, Randy, with many interpretations.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well!


jennyfreckles said...

Ah, I wish I felt that thin!

Lowell said...

Very cute, Randy. Nice find. Hope that your weekend is filled with all kinds of fun stuff!

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amigo!
Quem deixou essa figura de varas, provavelmente só queria deixar um cumprimento amigável... ou talvez uma brincadeira...
Bom fim de semana!

Youth_in_Asia said...

Nice. Either some hikers were having fun, or you've stumbled on to some beautifully preserved Native American art!

RedPat said...

Nice way to pas on a smile! Super - I love it.

Unknown said...

That's pretty cool! Great find, I would have smiled too. :-)

cieldequimper said...

Thanks for the smile, here's one back to you! :-) Happy weekend!

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha. Hard not to smile when you see something like this.

Carola said...

Just amazing. A smile is a gift. Thanks.

Amanda said...

What a nice thing to come across. Have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your friday night :)

Michelle said...

What a cute little guy!

Anonymous said...

The sign reminded me of Prince!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

How charming. Put a smile on my face.

Leslie D. said...

This has a nice whimsical happy vibe. Thanks!

Halcyon said...

Yay for Fridays!!! Especially when it's also the day the Hubs comes back from a week-long business trip. :D

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

LOL.. nice !

T. Becque said...

Well that was nice of someone to leave a happy thought!

Michael Valčić said...

A great find! Always nice to see.

JD said...

Love it!

Tiago Braga said...

nice shot
Let me invite to view my place , hope you like my work, and somehow my photos can inspire you!
Hugs from Portugal! :D