Monday, January 10, 2011

My Wish For The World.

While walking to the market on Saturday I caught sight of this frog sending out his intention to everyone who sees him. This is my wish for the world, hey one can hope.
Have a good week everyone!


Olivier said...

peace and love, vive les grenouilles...

Anonymous said...

Nice find! This is a cute character with VW.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Well seen... Peace to the world.

Best wishes

Regina K said...

Peace would be nice. Easy to imagine, but difficult. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Nice one!
Thank you Randy!
Have a good week!

Kathy said...

And peace to you, brother.

clairz said...

Yep, we always have hope!

Leif Hagen said...

Peace be with you, too! Umm, buttery yellow bug - cute!

Luis Gomez said...

Thanks Randy. I think we need it! Peace to you too.

Anonymous said...

Can I hitchhike along on that wish, Randy?

Sharon said...

I'm with you on this one!

Carola said...

I like this funny frog. And funny on this New Beetle.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Cute car with color-matched license plate... That petite grenouille is adorable and he has a much-needed message


Irredento Urbanita said...

I also wish you colorful peace my friend.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Traveling Hawk said...

Cute that frog!

Lowell said...

Jumpin' Jehosaphat!

Or, Jeremiah was a bullfrog...who had some very fine wine! Yeah!

Great shot! Love the colors, too!

Re your comment on Ocala: No telephoto...just sitting watching and snapping. It's interesting when you point a camera at someone - they will often ignore you, or sometimes smile, other times pose for you, and not infrequently look right at you with no expression...

Try it, you'll love it. Be sure you have on your running shoes, though! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I see a market there for someone with the skills. Creating all types of animal designs flashing the peace sign. Frogs may not be everyone's favorite critter. What animal would you pick?

Anonymous said...

Kermit: make more love not war!

Michael Valčić said...

I love the colors in this shot! Very nice.

Peace would be wonderful. Now if only the industrial complex and our politicians would agree...

I hope you had a great weekend.

cieldequimper said...

Lol, I need one of those. Bad start to the year, catastrophe after catastrophe. Part of me is thinking can't wait for 2012! :-)

I like how the registration number is yellow like the VW!

Lúcia said...

Perfect way to start the week, very nice shot Randy!
Peace and love. ;-)

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ah... You're lovely, honey!

Thank you! I wish you the same!


irinapictures said...

Wish you all the best too.
Lovely shot.

RedPat said...

I want one of those for my car!

Carola said...

Randy, I mention your post on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Well seen Randy...peace for you too!

Michelle said...

And, a good wish it is.

becky said...

it is my wish, too... though i often get sad, because every day i see the current state of the world. thanks for the peace frog... like you say, one can hope!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I can dig it!!!

Jack said...

Cute and colorful frog.

T. Becque said...

We have the same wish :)

VP said...

the forg is perfect on that color! Love the yellow plate either...

Ola said...

funny:) The owner must have a sense of humor:)

Allison said...

Yes. Peace for the world. Inner peace and social peace; a great thought!

Judy said...

I like the frog, I like the intention, I like the car...well, I like the photo!!

Unknown said...


Shannon said...

Awesome bumper sticker, very vibrant with a great and simple message. I like frogs :-)