Sunday, January 2, 2011

Peaceful Morning Light

I love the morning light after an evening snow. It's gray out most of the time but the stillness and quiet of that morning are so peaceful that I get filled with hope of a good day. Hope your Sunday is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pic!
Happy New Year! Peace and laughter!

Cesc Sales said...

The show must go on!

Anonymous said...

Hi Randy!
Nice light!
Have a peaceful sunday!

Kate said...

The barely perceptible clouds in the upper left corner of your photo adds to the soft feeling of the photo. It's a lovely scene.

Anonymous said...

very nice picture dear randy, I like these beautiful lights !

Bye :))

Gunn said...

this looks sooooooo pretty!:)

Olivier said...

apres la fete, le repos, belle photo de reprise tranquille ;)

Dawn said...

That grey light is always so silent. I can feel it in this picture- I love that silence.
Good morning!

Birdman said...

Last day of rest after a week off. Today, I do nothing!

Lúcia said...

I agree with you, it looks very peaceful!
Have a good Sunday! ;-)

Michelle said...

I love the quiet and stillness that snow brings with it. Lovely image.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I can understand why you like it.


Anonymous said...

That is a perfect photo for this Sunday morning, Randy. I hope your week is good.

Sharon said...

I like this little winter scene. I remember how quiet it seems after a snow. Everything seems so still.

VP said...

I like the bright patches of light in a bluish atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog last night, through another blog as it goes so often. It was interesting to go back several months viewing scenes of Santa Fe, just another one of those places I have yet to visit. I do know now, winter is not the time for me to pass through Santa Fe. I don't do well in the cold.

Judy said...

It looks about like it does here right now! I see you got more snow. I like the pretty blue that everything has in the early morning.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it. Really nice Randy!

Amanda said...

Welcome to 2011, hope to enjoy more of your photos :)

Michael Valčić said...

Beautiful blue tones in there shot!
Very nice!

Kathy said...

The peacefulness and stillness of this photo is astounding. Happy New Year, Randy!

RedPat said...

Lovely! Nice shot of the fence - they are so cool.

Teté M. Jorge said...

It really is a pretty sight, Randy!
Here was a rainy morning, but not cold.
We are in the summer in Brasil.
A pleasure to be here watching your photos.

T. Becque said...

It does look calm and peaceful, a good way to start a morning.

Lowell said...

The lights really make this photo very special...quite beautiful, Randy!

Leif Hagen said...

Snow and Santa Fe just don't seem to go together in my mind. Guess I gotta build a bridge and get over it!
Lovely winter photo