Sunday, June 1, 2014

Theme Day: Zest

Zest is our theme of the month.  Northing says zest to someone living in New Mexico like Red or Green Chile.  This is a Green Chile Breakfast burrito from one of my favorite places, The Pantry. Now this is a regular weekend stop for me, the tough part is choosing Red or Green chile or what we call Christmas (1/2 and 1/2).  If you want to add a little zest with your food, come on over. I promise to have plenty of ice water for you.


Rob Siemann said...

It sure must wake you up, and give you a lot of zest (and perspiration)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Be there in a flash Randy, and I'll have a zesty Christmas merci beaucoup :)

Rick Forrestal said...

Oh wow, this looks good.
I remember having eggs with green chiles at
Tia Sophia's. It woke my mouth up.

VP said...

11.30 AM here: now I am really hungry!

Gerald (SK14) said...

a spendid and unusual choice for the theme

Lowell said...

A fun take on the theme. I'm not that zesty when it comes to food but it sure does look good!

Unknown said...

Super yummy, but I think I could not have it for breakfast. Definitely for lunch! :-)

turquoisemoon said...

OMG!!! OOoh that looks so good! (drool...)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

It sure looks good but I am not sure if it would be too hot, I suspect it is a little more hot than the Tabasco that I am used to.

Sharon said...

That is was what I'd say is full of "zest".

cieldequimper said...

I'm on my way! I'll have Christmas!!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Damn Randy. This is the first time one of your photos made me hungry LOL

EG CameraGirl said...

My mouth feels hot just thinking about it. ;))

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that made me smile! :)

RedPat said...

Looks scrumptious to me although I'm not totally sure my stomach could handle that much zest in the morning!

Tanya Breese said...

oh that looks delicious!! when we still lived in san diego i had a friend from nm and she'd preach to me about the green chili...we'd argue about who had the best mexican food, nm or san diego :D

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful! Getting hungry now!

Judy said...


Lois said...

It looks good and zesty, but I'm afraid I would have to pass on the hot stuff!

Mersad said...

Looks really delicious. Would love to have a try!

Mersad Donko Photography

Anonymous said...


Jack said...

I had a funny feeling that chile might find its way into your Santa Fe "zest" post!

William Kendall said...

I suspect I'd need a lot of water!

Paul said...

Hmm... Sounds delicious!

Kate said...

PERFECT; now I have to figure out how I can get some of that green chile zest in Minnesota!

LOLfromPasa said...

Can't tell you how good that looks :).

Ron said...

Now that makes me hungry!