Friday, June 20, 2014

"Georgia On My Mind"

This sculpture by Mark Yale Harris can be found at La Posada Resort. Wishing you all a happy Friday!


cieldequimper said...

Wow, this is wonderful and looks so good against the adobe! Happy Friday Randy!

EG CameraGirl said...

The spirit of the Southwest? This sculpture reminds me of severe droughts and long distance between water holes.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow. That may be the longest antlers I've ever seen.

Kate said...

Those antlers have quite a spread!

Luis Gomez said...


Rick Forrestal said...

Sooo Santa Fe.
Love it.

VP said...

The artwork looks quite 'natural' to me! Have a great weekend!

Tanya Breese said...

i'm glad it's a sculpture, i was feeling bad for the poor guy!

Sharon said...

It's very realistic.

Anonymous said...


Massimo said...

Hi Randy,
gosh.... :-)
un saluto

TexWisGirl said...

a great title!

RedPat said...

Wonderful. Randy!

Unknown said...

I actually prefer a sculpture than the real thing.

Lowell said...

Georgia O'Keefe! OK! It took me a minute to get your title. And now I'll be singing "Georgia On My Mind" all day. Thanx a lot! :)

Michelle said...

I like this, a lot!

Paul said...

The sculpture contrasts nicely against the adobe wall it's hanging on!

Hard to tell in the picture, what medium did the sculptor use for this piece?

Thérèse said...

And all in one frame... :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh wow, this is so dramatic Randy.. this is the perfect setting for it.