Monday, June 16, 2014

Stuck in my Head

Everytime I see this sign at the Farmer's Market I am always reminded of "Snoopy Come Home." In the movie when he tries to enter a hospital when he is kicked out and a man sings "No Dogs Allowed." I guess as long as people don't want a little dog hair in their food I will always here that song in my head. Enjoy your day!


Thérèse said...

I like how a sign or the view of something brings back always our own recollection which can be something so different for someone else.

Rick Forrestal said...

There's nothing wrong with songs stuck in our heads.
Or dogs!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I wouldn't think of taking our dog in there, she wouldn't behave.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hmmm why no dogs allowed to an outdoor event?

Luis Gomez said...

I remember well that episode.

TexWisGirl said...


Kathy said...

I'm disappointed dogs aren't allowed but maybe they have a history with some irresponsible pet owners.

Tanya Breese said...

i don't remember that one!

Judy said...

Not sure it's to prevent dog hair in food. Dogs do have a tendency to "water" things when they or out of doors.

Anonymous said...

Well Sinbad would not want to go there so that wouldn't be an issue for me to try and push.

Ron said...

I'm not sure hair is what they are worried about the dogs leaving behind.

Sharon said...

Interesting that they don't want dogs here. People take their dogs to the Farmer's Market here all the time.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well they certainly do mean business with that sign Randy, it's big enough so no one will miss it :)

VP said...

I remember that too, but I am one of those who would not appreciate dog hair in my food...

RedPat said...

Poor Snoopy! ;-(

cieldequimper said...

Keep on singing Randy!

Lowell said...

My reaction to the "No dogs" sign is negative. From my experience, dogs create one hell of a lot less trouble than do humans, no matter where they are. I know a lot of humans that I would rather not show up at such an event. Their dogs could come, though! :)

Paul said...

Ha ha! Funny when a song gets stuck in your head... Worst offender song would have to be "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" Wema-wopp-a-weema-wopp...

Kate said...

Must be city health regulations. Never quite understood this ban.