Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Theme Day: Animals

The first of the month is upon us once again and it's Theme Day here on City Daily Photo. This months theme is Animals. Classes are back on at the college and I had to run out to the campus on Saturday. When I came out this little guy was waiting patiently for his owner in their vehicle. As I drove away I turned back and he hadn't moved an inch. Dogs are such wonderful friends.

Take some time to check out some great photography by clicking below:
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Olivier said...

belle photo, il est tres mignon ce chien

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Lovely shot!
Great dog, nice car and beautiful weather!
Many greetings
Yvonne & Raphael

Anonymous said...

Fantastic image!

Tamera said...

This is a great dog portrait!

Traveling Hawk said...

The most faithful friends, Randy! I like how concentrate he is!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Look at those ears, he/she must be happy !

Lúcia said...

Yes, they are amazing and lovely friends!
Cute little one! :)

VP said...

Patient but quite attentive...

SRQ said...

A classic! Love it. Nice find.

Tanya Breese said...

don't you just love a dog?! and this cute guy kinda matches the paint job on his truck!

Kate said...

They're one of the pleasures of life. Can't imagine a life without a faithful dog! This one really knows his place!!

Unknown said...

Ain't it the truth!

Judy Williams said...

He looks like an Australian cattle dog mix. What a jewel!! You're right - dogs are awesome friends. Thanks for making me smile this morning.

turquoisemoon said...

Fun picture! and doesn't he look happy??? They love to go bye bye...

Lowell said...

They are, indeed, wonderful friends and I think we'll get another one before long...

Poignant photo!

Sharon said...

What a dedicated friend.

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Randy. Beautiful little one.

parker said...

Not only great friends, but loyal as well. Just wished they lived longer.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

"Good dog!" Dogs are so loyal.

That's a great shot!

becky said...

Cute pup... to bad he can't go to class! How are your classes going?

TexWisGirl said...

a great shot! my kind of companion!

Judy said...

He looks right at home in that truck!

Magpie said...

I love this fellow. He made me smile right away. Everyone made such good choices for the animal theme.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that is such a cute shot Randy, a man/woman and their dog are the best of friends. That's a sight you see quite often here in Australia.

Teresa said...

Aw...cute dog..awe-some pic!

Anonymous said...

I am more imterested in that old truck. Cannot quite make out what kind it is. But you want an old van. I'll keep my eye out for one for you.

Unknown said...

Cute guy and great composition, Randy.

Elettra said...

Really a faithful friend !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great image. I like how is is looking out of the window.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

My miniature schnauzer would have leaped out in a nano-second! This pup is much better trained than that.


RedPat said...

Great pic Randy! They are the best, most loyal, loving friends!!

Unknown said...

This is very Smart, I knwo him, jjjj.
Good shot.

Marty said...

this is a funny shot ! love it !

Jack said...

Nice photo, Randy. The image of a loyal dog patiently waiting for its owner is a perfect shot for this month's theme day.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Pero que carilla de bueno tiene ese perrillo.

Saludos y un abrazo.

jennyfreckles said...

If ever a dog looked intelligent, that one does!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

The driver?

vn said...

dogs really get me - and that photo
gets me too. I love dogs. I miss
my dog. great pic Randy!

Regina K said...

Dogs and cars great combination.

Michelle said...

I am a total sucker for dogs. Love this shot.

Michaele said...

Neat how it still says southwest all over it.

Sandy said...

This is an awesome shot Randy! I would want to take this cute dog home if s/he was looking at me like that!

Halcyon said...

He looks like a well-loved friend!

Anonymous said...

What a great pal he must be. And so cute!

Rae Walter said...

Fabulous shot Randy and the dog waiting so patiently for the owner to come back.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great picture, Randy. Reminds me of my dog waiting by the door for me to come back from school...