Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friday Morning Commute

The snow came in while I was sleeping and this is what it looked like on my Friday morning commute. It was touch and go with the icy roads in fact I almost hit another car when trying to make my turn into work. Guess I need a little more practice driving on ice.


Alan said...

We have snow in London for the first time this winter! Hope you're keeping well Randy.

Dawn said...

Wow! Just wow Randy!!! You have wayyyyy more snow than I!!! I can't even use my cross country skis here this year because of lack of snow! Bet you don't own snow tires?:)

Anonymous said...

..better be careful what you wish for..:))

Cezar and Léia said...

Always challenging to drive on a icy road, isn't it? My first experience was rather chaotic and I am glad that I did not hit anything at that time...
God bless you!

Lúcia said...

I love snowy shots!
Have a good Sunday Randy! ;-)

Traveling Hawk said...

Go slowly, Randy! I will also have to confront myself on Monday with a road covered with snow.

becky said...

The roads were slick! But it was a beautiful morning!

Sharon said...

Tricky business that snow and ice.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Honestly Randy I just can't even imagine what that would be like. I think the snow makes everything LOOK so pretty, but in fact it can be pretty tricky to work with!

Kate said...

We got virtually no snow in Eldorado, and was surprised when we drove into town. Can't resist saying, tho, that driving here during inclement weather is usually so easy compared to Minnesota. Perhaps I've never been here when the driving is dangerous. Happy that you did not have a fender bender...that's always an unpleasant situation.

Regina K said...

Driving is tricky on icy snow. Glad you made it safely to work.

Birdman said...

Looks so like Maine... not a lot but enough.

Judy said...

Looks a bit tricky to drive on. The snow missed us here.

cieldequimper said...

Looks a bit like Versailles this morning... I skidded... Be careful and happy Sunday!

TexWisGirl said...

oops! stay safe!

Luis Gomez said...

Oh my God! Not nice Randy.

Magpie said...

What a surprise to wake up to! I would not like the driving in it part though. Glad you made it to work safely.

VP said...

I like your snow much more than mine, we are already tired of it...

Anonymous said...

Oh my, not for me.

Unknown said...

Beautiful but dangerous! Take care, Randy.

Judy said...

Wow, that looks like something found in the Midwest.

Ron said...

I have to say, I'm glad it's you and not me! LOL

RedPat said...

Wow Randy! Do people have snow tires down there? We have no snow here still.

Teresa said...

Wow, I haven't seen snow for a while....don't miss it. Ice was always a little tricky for me. I didn't venture out much in it unless I had to.

Elettra said...

In my country it's snowing a lot, unfortunately the snow is causing much discomfort, however, your photos are beautiful!
P. S. See me there's a prize for you

Umā said...

I can't believe you have more snow in Sante Fe than we have in Western MA at the moment! We went "snowshoeing" today on a mix of ice and bare ground!

Jack said...

That is real snow. Sometimes I laugh when people write about all the snow they have, and it is just a dusting. But, you got the real stuff. Every year you have to re-learn how to drive in snow.

parker said...

Beautiful in a picture! But as I remember, not so fun when one has to get out and go to work!

Lowell said...

Oh yuck! Been there, done that, and don't wanta do it no more! Glad you came through unscathed!

Michaele said...

Sneaky snow! Coming in while people are sleeping. Take care!

Michelle said...

Snow is beautiful, but kind of a pain!

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet few people in Santa Fe have snow tires on their cars!

Thérèse said...

I should have visited Santa Fe during winter to practice the driving in snowy conditions... I am having a hard time right now over here...

Halcyon said...

That's plenty of snow!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow... We very rarely get it in Melbourne (once every 30 years or so and never so much) so I'm always fascinated by snow pictures. We have to drive about 150 km to the mount ains to get to see snow in winter.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so pretty! I'm glad you made it to work safely.

Kathy said...

This reminds me of the winter days when I lived in Northern Arizona.