Thursday, February 2, 2012


I would think that if this person really wanted to save the planet they would be on foot or on a bike.


Olivier said...

c'est un peu extrémiste comme slogan...

Unknown said...

jjj. 10 Points you are right. jjj

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very odd bumper sticker Randy, good catch!

Lowell said...

I agree with you but laughed out loud at the photo! said...

I think the second sentiment negates the first. How sad. I would not want to put anything this unsettling on my car. In fact, I would not put any bumper sticker on my car. There are too many people who would disagree with any sentiment I might express.

Tanya Breese said...

ha, definitely!

Nancy said...

I suppose you are right -- rather a drastic measure to take to save the planet!

Sharon said...

It makes you wonder.....

Luis Gomez said...

Totally agree with you.

Halcyon said...

Unfortunately, that's not a practical option for everyone. But I agree we should do more to take care of our planet. :)

Teresa said...

We are all on a quest to change the world with bumper stickers....I've seen some funny ones, ones that make you think, and just plain "WHAT???" This is a "WHAT??"

Anonymous said...

Bumper stickers... always good for a laugh!

Kate said...

IMHO that bumper sticker is pretty crass. I agree with you, Randy, that owner should put his money where his mouth (sticker) is!

becky said...

Ha ha :) you got an early morning chuckle out of me, Randy. I know what you mean about tired- it's hard to work, take classes and still have time for all the "life stuff" that needs to be taken care of! And your classes are a lot harder than mine! I'm back at SFCC this semester.

parker said...

Now there's not so humble of an opinion!

Anonymous said...

Aren't bumper stickers fun?

VP said...

Any taker over there?

Ron said...

I don't know, I've met a few people that that bumper sticker could apply to.

Judy said...

Very strange. I don't put any stickers on my car, I even take the dealer stickers off. I figure, if someone wants my opinion, they will ask me.

Magpie said...

I'm getting that the only way humans can save the planet is by removing humanity from it. What a sad thought.

Anonymous said...

Well I am at a loss for words on this one. The guy is probably really the life of a party...not.

Anonymous said...

Be the change....

Unknown said...

which planet? the planet mars, perhaps.. :)

gotcha, nice shot Randy!

Sandy said...

Good point Randy! LOL Have a great day. Thanks making me laugh. =)

Unknown said...

Well spotted and well said, Randy.

cieldequimper said...

Well I suppose you could drive a car into a wall or a tree at top speed... Or over a ridge...

RedPat said...

Such a positive person!?!

Regina K said...

Very odd bumper sticker.

Jack said...

That is a pretty charming person. I don't want to know him.

Michaele said...

Love how you turn something so negative into something much more true. Great perspective (as always).

Lúcia said...

Hahaha, you're right
He should recycle himself. ;-)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Obviously he doesn't want to "kill" himself with effort, so damn the planet... While some of us make the effort of riding bikes, taking public transport, doing green things, there are still people that live in a time warp and believe our resources are endless.

Anonymous said...

Good suggestion! But the theme is so deep.