Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It Was Too Cold Out.

Yesterday was a really cold day and I was surprised to see this guy walk around in shorts. I guess some people just don't feel the cold.


Olivier said...

il me donne froid avec son short ;))

Traveling Hawk said...

Or, may be, he was a tourist not so well informed:)

Kathy said...

He's probably from Minnesota, South Dakota, or Iceland or some such place that he finds the weather balmy in Santa Fe!

Lowell said...

There's something wrong with their heads. We have them here, too. We call them snowbirds. It doesn't matter how cold it gets in the morning, they're out on the golf course in shorts, just as god intended.

becky said...

Well, that guys was crazy! With the wind yesterday morning it was freezing! My hands almost froze off walking from the parking lot to class... I was carrying a bunch of stuff & forgot my gloves! Maybe he's from the Arctic & this is really warm for him :)
Have a good day, Randy-
enjoy your short work week.

Luis Gomez said...

It has been cold but sunny nice over here.

Nancy said...

My husband has a co-worker that wears shorts 365 days a year, no matter what the weather. :)

Ron said...

I've never understood people like that, it's cold enough to wear a coat but they are wearing shorts too. You never know what's going on in people's minds! LOL

Anonymous said...

At least he is wearing socks :)

Sharon said...

Hey Randy, I'm always wondering about this. It seems like the mornings I'm bundled up in a coat with a scarf around my neck, I'll see someone walking down the street in shorts and a T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Gonna be like Spring here in the 70s this week. I wonder if that is headed your way?

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I guess if he's comfortable . . .

Magpie said...

I see he has a jacket on though. My husband does this all the time. Cracks me up.

TexWisGirl said...

he was a northern tourist, for sure!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonder if he's an Aussie, I often see people here in winters with shorts and jackets...but of course the difference is that here it would never be below zero.

Judy said...

I had to laugh. No matter how cold it is here, there is always someone out in shorts. What's up with that?

Judy said...

I'm cold just looking at him.

Kate said...

It's youth, Randy, it's youth. Only the young and hearty can walk comfortably in shorts during cold weather. Kathy's comment is somewhat amusing since these Minnesotans (DH and I) are affected by cold weather in SF, too!

Anonymous said...

Seeing guys like him while I suffer in the cold, well I like to think that when it is hot and I am smiling, that guy is then really miserable.

Anonymous said...

A lady who used to work for the same newspaper, wore shorts winter and summer. She had more than one pair. I have asked her how she stays warm when it is below zero and she said it was warmer in shorts than having cold, icy winds blowing up her dress. So she got rid of her dresses and just wore shorts.

VP said...

Aliens from outer (and very cold) space?

RedPat said...

I saw a guy running in shorts here yesterday - his legs were very rosy!

Sandy said...

haha he must be from the high desert! Stay warm Randy. =)

Birdman said...

Some people just don't get it.

cieldequimper said...

He was trying for a couple of days sick leave! :-)

Halcyon said...

I see people like that in Toronto all the time. He's probably Canadian. ;)

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Plena calle...


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Tough guy! :-)

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo registo...Espectacular....

Regina K said...

In New Mexico you can always wear shorts : )

Anonymous said...

Tough or cool... hard to tell which!

parker said...

Yay! For him! If I could pull off this stunt without my knees knocking together from the cold, short pants would be my uniform of the day! (Maybe he's visiting from Bermuda and that's all he has to wear!)

Jack said...

If he really wants to make statement, he should wear flip flops.

Thérèse said...

except for the naked legs we can feel the cold!

Unknown said...

Crazy people are everywhere! :-)))

Maria said...

I think he is a tourist.
Just with a little sun you recognize the tourists by us in Amsterdam..
