Friday, February 10, 2012

Shiprock Reflection

If you looking for some great Native American jewelry, rugs, pottery and more then you will love the Shiprock Gallery right off the plaza. I was admiring the poster when I noticed two nice reflections. Click on the link if your in the mood to see some interesting pieces. Wishing you a weekend full of fun!


Cezar and Léia said...

I love that chair, it's a charming story!

Anonymous said...

Nice find Randy
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Sport Insight Exlusive said...

I really love that poster....ahem...I mean everything on it!!!
Nice reflections.

Teresa said...

Ha, Randy, I actually commented under my sons user name earlier. The reflections are really neat. I love that poster...more so, what's on it!

Tanya Breese said...

yes, i like those reflections!

Sharon said...

What a great place and it's named after that great monolith called Shiprock!

Luis Gomez said...

Nice place Randy. Have a great weekend as well.

Lowell said...

"Shiprock" strikes me as a rather strange name for a store in Santa Fe...but I like it. And I'm sure I'd like some of the things they sell.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very nice catch, Randy, but now I feel like I need to clean my windows. :-)

Kate said...

Haven't been to this gallery, but I'll pay a visit now.

parker said...

Well done. Bright colors and nice reflections have a great appeal for me!

VP said...

I do not know much about that, I'll try the link...

Liz said...

Great reflection!

Anonymous said...

I remember the day approaching THE Shiprock itself, excited to be seeing it after reading about it many times in books of the pioneer immigration. That excitement was somewhat dampened driving through modern day urban depression sprawled about but I did my best to imagine the sight as was for those hardy pioneers after many months on the trail.

TexWisGirl said...

yup, some nice reflection shots again.

Unknown said...

So many patterns and I think I like them all!

RedPat said...

Love the link and the pic!

Traveling Hawk said...

Nice, colorful posters. I like the bracelets collection. I have a very nice silver one, with Kokopelli motiffs, bought in the shop at La Fonda.

Halcyon said...

Nice reflections. Hope you have a great weekend!

cieldequimper said...

I dunno why you are so cruel... ;-)I'm always looking for Native American art and crafts, thank goodness I can't use my plastic card on SFDP! Happy weekend to you!

Magpie said...

You have so many neat places to visit where you live. Do you still have snow on the ground?

Michaele said...

Wow - I love the reds!
p.s. I used to work at the post office in Shiprock, NM. Just a little trivia there : )

Regina K said...

Wonderful reflection Have a great weekend.

Thérèse said...

One day perhaps, next time I visit NM.