Friday, July 31, 2015

Most Photographed Door

This has to be one of the most photographed entry in Santa Fe. The home sits on the corner of Canyon Road and Delgado Street. You can walk by and always see both amature and professional photographers snapping away. When all of the flower in the planter are in bloom it is amazing.


Thérèse said...

One can easily understands why when looking at your picture! It's beautiful.

VP said...

I would surely take a few pictures of this!

cieldequimper said...

Randy, the problem is that these photos are cruel. You're just making me want to jump on a plane to SF...

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, if I ever visit Sata Fe I intend to photograph that door too. ;))

Birdman said...

Some places in our days have natural draws. This looks like one of those.

TexWisGirl said...

pretty neat! i'm guessing the owners have gotten used to door paparazzi. :)

Anonymous said...

A wonderful door indeed.

RedPat said...

I'm not surprised, Randy! It's gorgeous!

Sharon said...

I wish I had seen hat when I was there. I would have stopped for a photo for sure.

Judy said...

I can see why. I would too.

Kate said...

Recently I've been using the Daily Photo Map as my source for posted photos and like it because no label identifying the blogger is attached to them. As soon as I saw this photo, I knew it was yours. . .architecture and color were clues.

Kathy said...

It's a rustic, beautiful door. I too would turn my camera toward it.

Rick Forrestal said...

Classic Sante Fe adobe.
I love it.

adriana said...

I have a photo too of that door !