Saturday, August 1, 2015

Nothing is Certain

As some of you may remember my partner passed away a year ago today.
I've never really taken a break not even from my blog to think a reflect on what I will do now, well
it's time, I have family flying in tomorrow to spend some time with me and I hope to be back soon but as the title says, nothing is certain. Be well my friends.


Tamera said...

Aw Randy, take time for yourself and heal. I hope your family surrounds you with lots of love and support so you can take some time to just think. And breathe. All the best to you. I look forward to your return, if and when it happens. Best regards from your friend in Colorado!

Rick Forrestal said...

I hope your family visit and break are enjoyable and healing.
All the best . . .

Kathy said...

Enjoy some pleasant days with your family. I, and I am sure everyone else, will be looking forward to your return.

Luis Gomez said...

Enjoy your family! Lovely sunflowers.

Kate said...

Randy, Happy that you will have family with you today. It has been very difficult for you and your CDP friends have been with you all year. Small consolation, but I am glad that this community has supported you. Hoping that you make the best decisions that are right for you.

Birdman said...

Family: the ultimate in a 'safety blanket'. Take care, my friend.

TexWisGirl said...

i hope you can find some peace and some new direction for your life. i know you have been searching. enjoy your family time.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that seems like it was so long ago but I suspect for you it must feel like only yesterday. I hope you are doing well and can enjoy your family visit.

VP said...

Enjoy your family and take care, Randy!

William Kendall said...

I didn't know. I'm very sorry. Take care.

Sharon said...

Randy, take care and be sure to let us know what you decide.

Judy said...

Enjoy your visit and take time for yourself.

RedPat said...

Be well, Randy! Enjoy your time with the family and please do come back. Yours is the first blog that I check each day and I will miss you! ;-))

cieldequimper said...


Oakland Daily Photo said...

May you find the path that is right for you.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh no! I'm back just as you're off Randy :) I have missed the colours of Santa Fe, will go back and catch up and hope to see more when you return. It's sad times all around at the moment, you take care Randy.

Thérèse said...

Breaks are healthy, family is important. Have a safe and sweet time.
Take care Randy.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad you are taking time to reflect on the past and think about the future, Randy. But you WILL be missed.

adriana said...

Enjoy your family and take care, Randy! Best wishes, Traveling Hawk

Katie said...

It's been a rough year for both of us. My husband passed away just before your partner. I hope you stay with SFDP but understand how focus changes. I know you miss the big city. You are a great photographer and I appreciate when your writing shows us a glimpse of your soul. My wish for you is peace.

Lynette said...

Randy, honey, I've been so caught up in what's going on with my health that I missed reading this until today, August 16. I am ashamed to admit that, but still and all my hope for you is that you've had a glorious time with your family, that your memories of your life with your partner nurture your new normal, which is all that we can hope for when someone we truly love is gone.

Tanya Breese said...

oh randy i am sorry...i missed this post as i was on a break then...i hope time with family made the day and those after a little easier...hugs to you...

Unknown said...

Big hug, Randy.

Lynette said...

Randy, it did my heart good to hear from you, honey. I pray that you're doing well. I'm certain you are striving to be so. Thanks for remembering me.

Lynette said...

Hey, Randy! Thanks for stopping by the blog to check on me. I appreciate it very much. So far, so good.

William Kendall said...

I hope you're doing well and keeping busy.

RedPat said...

I was thinking of you today Randy! I hope you are well and maybe we will see you back with new pics from somewhere. Happy Thanksgiving to you!