Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Old Color

Lately the daytime temperatures have been extremely low and had me longing for the Fall. It was still warm and there were beautiful colors everywhere. Tomorrow we should see a high of 31 degrees. Maybe I will get out for a lunchtime walk.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

NOt long ago you had the snow, now up to 31 degrees! That's a quick change
Duncan In Kuantan

Peter said...

Wow, same temperature as Sydney. Except yours is in F ours in C. Have a good walk anyway.

Thérèse said...

Revisiting pictures can be rewarding like today.

Tanya Breese said...

we've had rain for 2 days straight...i'm feeling water logged!

Nancy said...

I've been hearing about your cold temps around bloggyland. Hope it warms up for you. :)

Lynette said...

Getting out in the cold takes a lot of planning, doesn't it. Layers and layers of clothing, for a start. Then, if it's icy, you have to put on special shoes or attachments to your shoes. Still and all, we need to be out now and then, for our sanity. I miss the colors, too, Randy.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love the leaves texture, this is a very nice image!

Marty said...

wish you a lovely lunchtime walk and I'm waiting for beautiful images !
this one is nice ! beautiful colours

Sharon said...

Thank goodness, the cold spell here is supposed to end today.

TexWisGirl said...

very pretty. rich color.

Judy said...

Beautiful colors in this one. After a week of very cold, we are going to get into the 50's today, if the weather report is right.

Judy said...

We've been cooler here in South Texas too. I'll enjoy your "warm" fall color.

Anonymous said...

Nice colorful still life photo.

VP said...

I know it is natural, but it is so nice that it looks like a studied composition!

parker said...

Warm colors! Soon it will be Spring again!

cieldequimper said...

That's what we had today. Well, 32°. And snow that I only saw in the dark! Lovely autumn shot!

Anonymous said...

Nice :)

Unknown said...

Good shot, Randy, details are so important. WINTER IS HERE.

RedPat said...

Funny but I first thought you meant 31˚C too - if only! Of course that would mean extreme global warming. I think I will just get the warmth from your lovely fall pic, Randy!


So strange to think of how cold it is out there! Beautiful fall colors, makes me think of bundling up indoors with hot chocolate:)

Jack said...

Today's photo is simple and yet effective. I hope you are able to get out for a walk today.

Halcyon said...

I'm ready for spring color!

Kate said...

The whole country seems to be experiencing some pretty capricious weather patterns. Is SF colder this year than last year?

Lúcia said...

Don't worry, soon it will be springtime again! ;-)

AJEYA RAO said...

nice colors

Unknown said...

Lovely autumn colours!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Is that 31C Randy, if so..nice!