Thursday, April 26, 2012

Walking Graffiti

Someone did a Native number on this walk sign close to downtown. It's almost Friday, hold on for one more day.


Olivier said...

les pérégrinations d'un indien dans la ville ;))

Nancy said...

Now that's creative! :)

Kate said...

Love the addition to the sign. People tend to amuse me in so many ways. Hang on 'til Saturday, but does that just mean more homework?

Kathy said...

I envy people who look forward to Friday and for it brings. Unfortunately there are no Fridays in my life!

Unknown said...

Good eye!!! I love this -

Lowell said...

Nice eye, Randy! I dislike graffiti intensely but this one made me smile!

'Tis Friday tomorrow. You can make it!

parker said...

Walk softly and carry a Big Stick, or in this case, a Tomahawk!!

Teresa said...

Great find!

Halcyon said...

I sort of like it!

Teresa said...

Great Find!

Luis Gomez said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Could have been worse.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's amusing graffiti!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a sharp eye you have, Randy! This is clever and I wonder if all the signs in the area have similar graffiti?


Magpie said...

Not quite sure how I feel about the artwork, but I'm all for the weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

i love it!

VP said...

It looks like a funny 'improvement'! Soemetimes I work on Saturday, but not this one!

Anonymous said...


RedPat said...

Nice one. ;-))

Anonymous said...

Ha! It's kind of cute.

JD said...

Love it!

Regina K said...

Finally Friday....

becky said...

Nice touch.
Hang in there, it's almost the weekend!
sorry my visits have been sporadic... school, work, school. Also getting used to the new format & finding my way around. I like the old format better- the brightness of the blog feed hurts my eyeballs!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Very amusing, Randy.

Lisa said...

Okay, not normally a fan of graffiti, but this one is just funny!

Betty Manousos said...

very smart and interesting image!
i love it!

Ron said...

Well that doesn't look very politally correct! LOL

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ha ha! well spotted Randy. Hope you have a relaxing weekend, i think you need it after all that study!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...


Anonymous said...

Good find!
Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Too funny... he.he.he!