Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bright and Lovely

Wishing you all a day that is bright, beautiful and full of color!


Traveling Hawk said...

I love Forsythia (Golden Rain)as it is one of the first messenger of the spring. Nice photo!


Perfect color combination. Love this photo a lot. Very joyful image. :)

Betty Manousos said...

wow, absolutely lovely!!!
perfect harmony in colours.

Lowell said...

Like an Easter card! Very nice and thank you and may you have a wonderful day!

Kate said...

A perfect post for Easter.

Happy Easter or Passover to you and to your friends and loved ones!

Cezar and Léia said...

A joy to see this image, particularly considering the grey weather we've been having here!
God bless you!

becky said...

Bright colors of spring + blue skies = perfect!

Michaele said...

Have a wonderful Easter!

Luis Gomez said...

Love it Randy! Great colors.

TexWisGirl said...

very lovely. thank you, randy.

Teresa said...

Yellow against the blue sky is a southwest treasure.
This is lovely. Wishing you a day of peace and joy.

Anonymous said...

Very nice Randy. Happy Easter Sunday to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Randy!

VP said...

Beautiful image, it looks like a painting...

Judy said...

Happy Spring!!

Janie said...

Bright and those bold skies of Santa fe are inviting. Have a wonderful day, fun visiting your blog.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful contrast!

RedPat said...

That is exactly the day we are having here!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

That certainly is bright & Lovely!
Happy Easter Randy..

cieldequimper said...

Happy Easter Randy! Could you send a bit of blue sky over please? It was soooo grey today here!

Judy said...

Same to you Randy!

Magpie said...

What a lovely contrast and pop of colors! Perfect for the day. Happy Easter!
PS You're right...those aren't chocolate pellets from that Easter Bunny. :)

Daniel Casares Román said...

Contraste y color... me encanta!!

vn said...

wow amazing colours
*that* sky!!
have a lovely day Randy

Jenny Woolf said...

Blue and yellow, a combination I so much prefer to green and red!

Sharon said...

So beautiful against that blue sky.

Halcyon said...

I love the forsythia! It's a nice harbinger of spring. :)

de wereld volgens essi said...

beautiful Forsythia!!!Very nice photo!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful yellow and blue!

Michelle said...

A perfect contrast of the yellow and blue.

Leena said...

That is an amazing, great picture, thank you for sharing!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

One of my favorite colour combinations Randy, beautiful image. I hope yourself and your family have had a wonderful Easter.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Forsythias are such cheerful flowers and a sure sign that Spring has arrived!
Great shot, Randy.

parker said...

Wonderful sentiments portrayed by an uplifting photo!

Anonymous said...

Love the yearly explosion of yellow from them!

Marty said...

like a sunshine in that blue sky !

Alan said...

Wow. Looking at your recent pictures, April seems to be a month of vibrant colour in Santa Fe. Great work, Randy.