Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cracks and Flowers

Do you think that the flowers deter from the cracks in the adobe? I think the cracks give it a little character.


Kathy said...

I think that's a wicked looking crack and is probably allowing moisture and thereby mold to form somewhere in the interior wall of this house!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Reminds me of how much work it is to keep up an adobe building despite the simplicity of the materials.

cieldequimper said...

Yes, it does. The scene is absolutely charming, perfect for my late Saturday breakfast!
Happy weekend!

Kate said...

I think I would ignore the crack and concentrate on the sweet display of flowers. The adobe, as usual, highlights the blossoms.

Unknown said...

Everything looks so pretty - except the cracks. I'd want to fix them.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I agree with you. Lovely shot!

Luis Gomez said...

Love this one Randy!

Thérèse said...

Too much watering too perhaps? Definitively more attractive with the crack (don't tell the owners...) :-)

Birdman said...

Yes! The crack has the character here! hahahaha

TexWisGirl said...

every home i've lived in in texas has cracks. *sigh*

Halcyon said...

I sort of like the cracks too, but I probably wouldn't like them so much if it was my home! ;)

Sharon said...

I agree, it does add character while the flowers add color.

Teresa said...


Lowell said...

Yes, the cracks give it character and I'm all for this kind of character so long as it's not my house! :-)

Nice shot!

Judy said...

What a great window picture, cracks and all!

Anonymous said...

This is grand. All the adobe structures in Santa Fe look pristine so to see this one...well this is how an adobe home looks in my mind. Well done Randy.

VP said...

The nice and colorful composition would not be so good without the crack...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful still life photo! You could frame this and hang it. I bet you could sell some of these at one of the many galleries in your town. I would buy it!

RedPat said...

Love the flowers but that crack looks scary!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I agree Randy, a little imperfection can look very appealing!

Magpie said...

Well, while I do agree the cracks add character, I'm thinking that one is big enough to cause moisture problems for the homeowner. I love the flowers - no question about that!

Judy said...

The cracks do give it character.

vn said...

I love how everything works together
all the colours, the crack and especially
the shadows peeking in (really makes it)
- my favourite photo so far

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love the burst of color next to the adobe wall.

There are cracks that lend to a feeling of "old character" but I sure hope there's no damage by that hefty looking one.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Randy one of your best shots IMHO! Frame that one!

Regina K said...

The crack is hardly visible, the eye is drawn to that lovely window and flower box.

Michelle said...

This is a great picture and I adore the crack in the adobe. What is a home without character?

Jack said...

Character? Not at all. It needs to be fixed. Soon.

Michaele said...

I am REALLY wanting to fix those cracks. But I would stop and smell the flowers first : )

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Well seen, a good combination !

Cezar and Léia said...

Gorgeous window!

Ron said...

nice contrasting colors and design.

parker said...

Like the flowers in the window. The crack would make me think of work that needs to be done, and I don't like work!

becky said...

Visually appealing.
Hope you had a nice weekend Randy, despite home work & projects!