Saturday, April 28, 2012


And I caught another surprise reflection. I was shooting the trees and I never even noticed the reflection until tonight. Have a happy Saturday everyone. Sorry I missed your posts on Friday, still working on that project. It will be all over on the 16th.


Traveling Hawk said...

A nice photo, Randy! Success with your project, and have a nice weekend!

Thérèse said...

Enjoy the weekend!

Unknown said...

Life always looks for a way for it to be life.
Good shot.

Kate said...

Well, hang in there; after a little more than 2 weeks there will because for celebration. The trees are lovely with the adobe.

Unknown said...

Don't you love surprises like that!

TexWisGirl said...

looks like a great place! :)

Regina K said...

You keep working on your project Randy. Love your photo!

Anonymous said...

Those trees are growing from the small space between those two buildings? Surely not from the roof.

parker said...

Windows full of white puffy clouds.

Luis Gomez said...

This is so awesome! Great picture. Have a nice weekend Randy.

Sharon said...

Are those trees growing in the narrow space? You really did get a nice reflection here.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love finding unexpected surprises like that!

Judy said...

This is an eye pleasing scene. I like how the trees took advantage of that narrow space to grow tall enough to catch the sunshine.

Lowell said...

Those trees are growing between the buildings, right. Kinda looks like they're growing through the roof!

Beautiful cloud reflection!

Have a great weekend!

Magpie said...

Serendipity! Don't apologize for working on your project..try to enjoy the process because when it's over you may miss it. It's the journey, my friend.

Judy said...

Hope all goes well with the project. I see a few reflections here.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The adobe, the sky, the trees - great color combinations found where you live. Good luck on the project and stop a moment to enjoy your weekend!


RedPat said...

Fabulous adobe building and wonderful with the lacy trees!

Kathy said...

I'm thinking the tree roots don't have very far to go down!

Halcyon said...

Not where I would expect to see trees!

Anonymous said...

Well done Randy!

Michaele said...

I like the DTW sign. I had to make the photo bigger to read it. There used to be a DTW in Durango, CO. It stood for Durnago Thread Works.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Nice shot Randy, I always enjoy your photography! Have a great weekend..

Traveling Hawk said...

The trees look great, coming out from the walls.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful façade.

Adele said...

Love the whole photo, but especially the clouds in the windows. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Aren't these surprises just the best? Keep working hard, Randy. I know it will pay off for you.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

The hanging gardens of Santa Fe!