Monday, April 9, 2012

Cross Gate

I am not wild about the photo but I wanted to post it because of the gate. This one is not at a church but at a home on the east side of town. Wishing you all a great start to you week.


cieldequimper said...

That's surprising.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very interesting gate Randy and also a perfect shadow shot!

Kate said...

A gate which is appropriate for the Easter season!

Anonymous said...

It's not bad Randy!

Lowell said...

Very interesting. The folks that live there must be somewhat religious. Nice light and shadow!

Hope you're week is grrrreat!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great door! I love sturdy, well built gates like that.

Sharon said...

Maybe a minister lives there.

Halcyon said...

I think the shadows in this shot are cool. An interesting gate as well!

TexWisGirl said...

i like the heavy, solid-looking wood.

Tiago Braga said...

good game of shadols and ligths!

Judy said...

I wonder if it was hand carved?

Judy said...

Interesting! Have a nice week.

VP said...

I like the half-shadow half-sun quality of this picture!

Cezar and Léia said...

A pious home, I would say...
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

The wood is magnificent!

RedPat said...

There must be some kind of history behind that gate don't you think? It is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful gate. I am sure it would keep vampires away.

Magpie said...

I love how your area has these courtyards with gates like this.

Luis Gomez said...

Looks great Randy!

Traveling Hawk said...

The sun ray falling upon the gate is nice.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What a wonderful gate that is, Randy.

parker said...

Lots of geometry going on with the projected sunlight, Wonderful!

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks like a sturdy door, very unlike any door through a gate that I'd see here.

Teresa said...

Wow I've never seen these kind of doors at a residence.
Nice! love the color contrast of the wood and paint .

Michelle said...

Really beautiful gate.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they had these made or if they've been 're-purposed' from somewhere else!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Seems entering into Holy Ground !

Ron said...

great doors!