Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tiled Chairs

I found these in the courtyard of the New Mexico Museum of Art. The chair we're more of surprise. I was after the trees shadow.


Olivier said...

belles chaises en mosaique

PauloSilva said...

Thank you so much.
I loved the chairs. Nice museum right?
Have a nice week.

Halcyon said...

Pretty! Are people allowed to sit in them or are they works of art? :)

Kathy said...

Pretty but they look rather uncomfortable.

Elettra said...

very original!!!!!!!

Nancy said...

These are very cool! :)

Tanya Breese said...

those are neat!

Lowell said...

Well, you got two-for-one! Significant shadows and funky chairs. I like the shadows. You can keep the chairs. They looks as comfy as sitting on a rock.

Volcano sacrifices? You are sooo funny! And no doubt right! :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

The shadows are so graceful. I'm not sure what I think about the chairs. :)

Kate said...

Serendipity is always wonderful. The chairs are a nice surprise!

Cezar and Léia said...

An idea very creative!The chairs are beautiful!

Luis Gomez said...

Awesome chairs!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love the spindly-fingered shadows reaching for those cool tiled chairs.

VP said...

I was just thinking if I can consider these like benches...

Teresa said...

Tiled chairs? definitely a Santa Fe work of art.

Anonymous said...

These were designed to look at not to sit in, right? Look a bit uncomfortable.

Unknown said...

The shadows are fantastic and the chairs so original. Great shot!

parker said...

Wonderful shadows and neat chairs all tucked into that warm looking corner!

Sharon said...

Interesting shadows on those chairs.

TexWisGirl said...

how fun are those!?

Judy said...

Lots of work went into making those chairs and nature's work made the shadows.

Magpie said...

The chairs are beautiful and look as thought they would last forever. I appreciate the shadow that comes and goes just as much though. :)

cieldequimper said...

This is fantastic!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful chairs Randy, that was an added bonus to your shot!

Anonymous said...

The chairs are nice!
But i love the shadows :)

Ron said...

I like the chairs!

RedPat said...

They look nice but I'm with Lowell - they don't promise comfort! Great pic though.

Sandy said...

I so want to sit there...looks so peaceful and beautiful. =)

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Siempre geniales tus fotos.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Ms. Becky said...

this is truly a magical mystical photo. what time and creativity went into the making of those chairs. very ice shot. happy day to you Randy.

Marty said...

beautiful chairs, beautiful place and shadows ! nice to sit there !

Val Artes Digitais said...

Oi amigo, achei seu blog lindo, que belas imagens, já estou seguindo e sempre que puder passarei por aqui, trabalho com artesanato em eva, venha conhecer meu cantinho ficarei muito feliz.

Não deixe de curtir minha página no Facebook se puder tá.....bjs


Regina K said...

Wonderful choice!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! Did you try sitting on them?

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Oh, I like these chairs, Randy!

Nadezda said...

Très belles chaises !!!