Friday, December 2, 2011

Wagon Wheel Window

I love this idea for a window. This wagon wheel window can be found next to a gallery on Canyon Road. Happy Friday everyone and I hope you all have a great weekend. We're waiting for some snow showers today, we'll see.


Judy said...

I love the Southwest look.

Thérèse said...

Very smart this idea of window and I am only hoping that the wheel comes from a "real" wagon...

Kathy said...

Very rustic and interesting. But I'm wondering about cleaning that glass in between all those spokes. No easy feat I'll bet.

parker said...

And a Happy Friday to you, along with the other fine people of Santa Fe!

Nice window indeed. Brings the Santa Fe trail to mind.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice! Great picture Randy. Have a nice weekend.

Lynette said...

It's easy to see why, Randy. I've never seen anything like it--thanks for the photo.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like it a lot, but also your perspective makes it rather pretty. I have my fireplace going this morning and we got rain yesterday! Woohoo!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That is awesome!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow so beautiful and different window!Great capture!

Olga said...

I love this picture, Randy. I am very predictable. I love colors and shades in it :).

Olivier said...

amusante cette idée de fenêtre en roue de charriot ;)

Magpie said...

We had rain yesterday evening and into the night. It was lovely. Sunny and bright this morning...maybe it all headed your way. Happy Friday!

PS: Sounds like I better head over to Tracy's with some wine. We don't often get to have a fireplace going here in Phoenix.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy you've really got an eye for photography, good job! We've got snow already here, it came in typical storm fashion! Have a great weekend..

Lúcia said...

Very cool find Randy!
I'd love to see your snowy shots. ;-)

Anonymous said...

A very clever use of the wagon wheel. Nice.

Judy said...

The perfect touch for this adobe.
We had some snow yesterday, all melted now except on the mountain tops.

Sharon said...

I bet you get some snow! We had some over hear in the higher altitudes.
I like that window.

Lowell said...

I found a wonderful old wagon wheel once in the desert near Scottsdale where we lived. We kept it for years. This is a terrific idea and a very fine photo! Hope you have a great weekend, too. I'm hoping for warmth and sunny skies 'cause I've got a golf date on Sunday! :-)

Sandy said...

I really love this whole building as well. The wagon wheel makes even more southwest. If you get snow...I hope you take pictures! ;) Happy Friday and weekend to you Randy!! =)

VP said...

That is creative and funny at the same time!

Michaele said...

Now that is just cool. Next best thing to a sunface.

TexWisGirl said...

that's very cool!

Traveling Hawk said...

Many vacation houses in my mountainous zone have such windows. A wagon wheel is frecquently use as decoration.

RedPat said...

That looks so southwest!

Unknown said...

I liked, good idea.
Happy december.

Teresa said...

I'm getting lots of interesting ideas for my future home off of your blog!!!!

Allison said...

Ha! That sure is unique. Are you seeing Christmas decorations down south, Randy?

Marty said...

why not ! this is cool !
wish you a great weekend perhaps
with snow !!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to see all that wonderful creativity going around Santa Fe!

Have a great weekend Randy :)

Regina K said...

Wonderful, love the shadows too. Happy weekend.

Ms. Becky said...

the colors, light, and shadows come together to make this a soothing and rich photo. I really like it a lot. and it's a very nice window too! It makes me wonder what the view would be like looking through it. happy weekend Randy. hope you get some snow - I'm keeping my fingers crossed we see some flakes here!

Kate said...

Unusual window treatment!

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this one, Randy... what a lovely place and that window is the icing on the cake!

Carola said...

Wonderful Western Art. Nice colors.