Saturday, December 17, 2011

Shop or Sit

If your one of those people who just don't like shopping but you tag along anyway the Marcy Street Card shop has a seat just for you. Click on the photo for a better look.


Bergson said...

a good idea

cieldequimper said...

Lol, that's just too funny. I wouldn't need these, I love cards!

VP said...

It is always useful to have some nice chairs around, even tireless shoppers need some reste once and then...

Kate said...

Shopping in SF is so much fun, I don't think I'd have time to sit down. The blues and turquoises of the Southwest are terrific. Shop has good marketing instincts.

Kathy said...

Too funny! I need one for Oh, my aching back!

Allison said...

My hub would love those chairs. lol!

Anonymous said...

I'll sit!
nice shot Randy!

Lowell said...

These are wonderful enticements. I'm always looking for a comfortable place to sit and wait! If only more stores would do this! Maybe I'll start a campaign using your photo...OK?

Nah, just kidding. Not a bad idea, though!

Judy said...

Since I'm all done I would be sitting :)

Teresa said...

I love the lettering on the chairs--"Bored Husband"--classic!!!

parker said...

After running around all day, 'Tired Feet" would be perfect!

Thérèse said...

Great idea!
Or "Shop and sit!"

Anonymous said...

My kind of store. "I'll be right here dear, take your time." I did that yesterday dropping her off right in front of the store while I went to find a place to park out in the back forty. It's entertaining to sit in the car and watch the holiday shoppers going to and fro in quiet desperation. When ready, she calls on the cell phone and I pick her up right in front of the store. Win win for both of us.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute! great idea!

Dawn said...

Oh yes! Finally a place for me on a shopping day. Did I mention I detest shopping?
I love the color!

Luis Gomez said...

This is great Randy!

Regina K said...

Great idea, sometimes I get tired and just want to sit for a minute. I love that Santa Fe blue...

Leif Hagen said...

Can I shop 'til I drop on those delightfully colored chairs?!

Sharon said...

Perfect! I'll take the tired feet chair!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's funny Randy, even though it's an interesting looking place I bet a lot of bored husbands have sat on those chairs haha!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Shop shop shop!

Judy said...

This is great! A chair for my husband on the right and the middle one for me! Perfect!

Magpie said...

Too funny! The last one caught me off guard. Smiles

Lúcia said...

Hahaha "bored husband", I don't think this shop has chairs enough for them! :D

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love that "Bored Husband" is printed on that chair!

And I especially love the color!

Birdman said...

Need comfy ones to get me to stop this time of year.

RedPat said...

Isn't that the truth! Love theses chairs!

Sharon said...

I forgot to mention...thanks for the link on yesterday's post. So both of us go roaming around for photos on weekends.

Cezar and Léia said...

A chair for the bored husband is a very well thought courtesy!
God bless you!

Sandy said...

I'm a sucker for blue chairs- I especially like "Bored Husband" hee hee

Carola said...

Inviting! Nice BLUE shot.

Nat said...

I think I'll take the seat in the sun option... not a huge fan of shopping :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... perhaps a bit of that blue!

Jack said...

Yes! I want that Bored Husband chair.

Unknown said...

The lovely Santa Fe blue!