Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snowy Cactus

On my short and I mean short walk (it was so cold) to capture some snow shots, I came across this cactus with a little snow still on it. I was careful not to get too close.


Dawn said...

Hmmm...snow on a cactus. Pure and beautiful Irony!

Allison said...

Sunshine under snow!

BlueShell said...

Amazing photo! Great blog. I'll come again , if you don't mind!

BlueShell said...

Oh...I'm the follower number 400...We have to celebrate!

Kathy said...

I remember one time thinking it would be okay if I just very carefully lightly touched a cactus needle. Wrong!

Very pretty, Randy.

Lowell said...

Looks quite beautiful if a bit dangerous! Nice shot, Randy!

Tanya Breese said...

it's such a contrast to see snow on a cactus!

Kate said...

Looks a bit delicate and should NOT be covered by snow. Guess I'll have to start checking SF's temperatures.

Sharon said...

There is something striking about a cactus with snow on it. Nice shot.

VP said...

Very nice picture, I likethe idea of the snow...

parker said...

A sticky situation, taking a cold walk to get a pic of snow on a cholla! Made for a fine photo!

Luis Gomez said...

Awesome shot Randy!

Magpie said...

I love the juxtaposition of cactus and snow...wonderful! Now stay in from the cold and have a warm toddy!

Lúcia said...

That's a strange combination! I always think about cactus unnder warm temperatures. ;-)

TexWisGirl said...

that's a great shot!

Teresa said...

Very pretty, all "looky" no "touchy".

Cezar and Léia said...

Very well done, a beautiful composition!I'm so anxious to see snow here this winter!But for now...only rain! :(

Anonymous said...

What's this? You don't like the cold either? A short walk because of the cold? I like the cholla and long for the desert but it can be bitterly cold there too.

Anonymous said...

A Beauty Randy!

Electric Addict said...

wouldn't want to slip on some snow onto that cactus :X

Judy said...

Good idea not to get too close, even though it looks very pretty.

RedPat said...

It does look quite dangerous!

Sandy said...

Beautiful paradox! Nice shot. Keep warm Randy! =)

Lois said...

Absolutely beautiful!

cieldequimper said...

Now all it needs is a few golden baubles...

Unknown said...

I liked Randy, good shot.
Give us little snow, we like sky.jjj

Jack said...

Cacti and snow! The things I learn on blogs.

Magic Moments said...

Beautiful...Great shot Randy...

Olga said...

I don`t believe it! The photograph is amazing!!! :)

Regina K said...

Fun to see snow on such a sun loving plant.

Lynette said...

Randy, such great snowy photos you taken and shared with us. Thanks! And thanks for visiting Portland Oregon Daily Photo.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now those are some serious prickles Randy and I definitely agree with John Ruskins views on weather, it's all good!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! I just love seeing snow on cacti. I don't know why, but it has always been one of my favorite things.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful... Christmas card anyone??

Traveling Hawk said...

it'a a nice contrast between the golden flowers, cactus stem and the snow.

Unknown said...

Fantastic! I have a passion for cacti but never seen any on a snowy environment.

Lalockert said...

Love it! Greetings from Norway :)