Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Behind the Trees

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."
John Ruskin


Magic Moments said...

I love the background, blue and terracotta...Thanks för you kinds comments....Have a nice day..Hugs

Thérèse said...

Trees which don't have much to hide and accentuate the beautiful blue!

Traveling Hawk said...

Again this combination of colors, which I like very much. I envy you for the snow, Randy!

Kathy said...

This Ruskin person has a great attitude. The rest of us just constantly complain about he weather!

Sharon said...

A very pretty Santa Fe scene!

Halcyon said...

Love the splash of blue. And your quote is very apt today. :)

parker said...

Mr. Ruskin has a very nice take on summing up the weather! Wonder if the mailman that puts mail in the box has the same view?

Anonymous said...

I really like that splash of blue in the photo!

becky said...

Love the quote & the photo!
When I was going to school up in Oregon, I thought I'd go into graphic design... until I took my first computer class. Waaaay to hard for this brain! So, I took up art, then ceramics. So kudos to you! Glad you made it thru your final project & presentation- now you can enjoy some much deserved time off... from school anyway!
Happy Wednesday!

Judy said...

This could be framed.

Luis Gomez said...

Awesome shot Randy!

TexWisGirl said...

love that mailbox off to the side, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice image!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great quote - and a cool photo. I love the bit of blue.

Magpie said...

If the shrubbery were all leafed out, we would have missed this pop of blue!

Anonymous said...

I can't help to think "cold".

Judy said...

I wonder how many people would walk by this scene and not give it a thought. Once we start taking pictures we see thing differently, with the eye of an artist!

Ron said...

The blue definitely makes for a good contrast from the tan and white.

Stay warm!

Sandy said...

I love the blue on the adobe. It's really coming down! =)

Anonymous said...

Sweet and pretty!

VP said...

You got an excellent composition with some (almost) natural colors!

Lúcia said...

I'm sure it's cozy inside. ;-)

RedPat said...

Love the shot Randy! I still can't believe that you have that much snow already!

cieldequimper said...

I'm not too sure about the quote but I suppose it's true in a way... I still envy you!

Teresa said...

Less is definitely more in this shot!

Lowell said...

Has Mr. Ruskin ever been in a blizzard, a tornado or a hurricane? They sure seem like bad weather to me!

Sometimes people say silly things that other people take as "gospel" for one reason or another.

But you photo is quite lovely!

Birdman said...

I beg your pardon. Want BAD weather? Move to Maine in Jan. Feb. March! Sheeeeeesh!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love that quote and, for the most part, I agree.

Olga said...

Nature has no bad those places where there aren`t total extremes. Wonderful photo.

Regina K said...

Blue and adobe are one of my favorite combination. Wonderful quote.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea it was snowing in your neck of the woods! And Mexican hot chocolate - what is that? Sounds good!

I really love these blue windows. Such intense color!

Jack said...

I like the straight-on shot. It looks Asian.

Nice quote, too. Ruskin must have been certifiably nuts to believe it, but it is still a nice quote.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I like your positive thinking about the weather ...

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Like the quality of snow you captured.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog! :D

Dawn said...

Randy! This has to be my favorite of all your captures so far! It's perfect!!

Allison said...

This is a wonderful picture, Randy. So minimalist and warm.

Kate said...

The blue window frame lights up the photo!