Monday, December 5, 2011

Break Time

“Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.” Alex Noble

Today is the end of another 16 week class for me. I hate speaking in front of people so I am nervous as all heck already but I am happy for the journey and what I learned. Time to kick back, well at least for the next four weeks and then it's on to something new.

I caught this in an artist home garden. I don't think I would have the patience to create this.


Unknown said...

Good break, jjj

Allison said...

Such a serene picture, Randy. Congrats on nearing the finish line. Wish I could have you over to celebrate! xo

Irredento Urbanita said...

Courage for you and I am sure you will discover that speaking in front of a lot of people is like talking alone.



Barcelona Daily Photo

Halcyon said...

Hope you enjoy the break! Nice zen garden. :)

Magic Moments said...

I like the pattern who leaves circles around them..Have a nice day

Sharon said...

Sort of gives you a peaceful feeling.

Tanya Breese said...

oh that looks really cool...reminds me of when my husband was in the marine corps and we were stationed in 29 palms (mojave desert) and there wasn't much grass around obviously so we would all rake our sandy yards to keep them neat :)

enjoy your well deserved time off!

Lúcia said...

Good luck Randy, I really hate speaking in front of many people (or few people too)...
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll succeed. ;-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well done Randy, that's a great achievement! How did the speech go? Have a good relax, you've earned it. This garden looks a little like a Japanese raked garden, very tranquil!

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely! Enjoy and rest Randy!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love this art in the garden. I hope you enjoy your next four weeks of "freedom." Hope you do well speaking!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Good luck with your presentation! I've got another two weeks before I'm finished with my semester.

That's a cool picture. I know I wouldn't have the patience to create that, either! I like looking at it, though.

Thérèse said...

Looking at this picture is a nice way to relax.
You seem to have survived ;-) enjoy your break.

TexWisGirl said...

congrats to you on completing another semester! i know you will enjoy giving your brain a break!

Electric Addict said...

This picture reminds me of a human arts class I took in college, this would be a perfect idea to score an A in that class haha

Anonymous said...

Im with you speaking in front of a group. Yikes! Four weeks of walks and hikes lie ahead for you. Enjoy.

milton said...

Boa sorte e bom descanso

Judy said...

It does look like it would take some time to make, but it sure has a calming effect to look at it.

Teresa said...

It is an interesting art form. Lots to see in SANTA FE!

Magpie said...

I'm glad you're getting to take a breather. Relax and for the garden, it's a fine line between patience and obsession. :)

Sandy said...

Good job on your classes. I too get nervous when I have to speak in front of people. I bet you did well! This garden makes me feel zen. =)

VP said...

Have a good break! I like the creative simplicity of this remarkable work.

Anonymous said...

Well deserved Randy!

Marty said...

enjoy your break Randy ! after perhaps will you find the patience to do the same circles in the sand !!

PauloSilva said...

I hate speaking in front of people too. Have a nice week.

cieldequimper said...

I'm sure you'll do perfectly well. And you have this zen calming picture to relax!

RedPat said...

I might have the patience to do it the first time but maintaining the tidiness would be something else! Congrats on finishing your course! I once read somewhere that a huge percentage of the population fears speaking in public more than death!! So you aren't alone.

jennyfreckles said...

It looks like a Zen garden. I like it. Hope you have a lovely break.

parker said...

Happy for you to get another semester under your belt! Great capture on the pic and quote!

Lowell said...

I'm a cynic. As soon as I finished it, the rain would pour down or it would snow three feet or a windstorm would blow it away or some bratty little kid would kick the stones down the street... :-)

I'm with you...not enough patience for such an endeavor.

Good luck to you as you finish one project and move on to another!

Regina K said...

It is very well created. Happy days ahead with the class now behind you. Enjoy the next 4 weeks.

Kate said...

There is something quite beautiful and serene about the simplicity of the stones and the patterns.

Enjoy your brief respite from classes.

Michaele said...

A well earned break Randy. Enjoy you time off.

Olga said...

In this photo, there is minimalism, and something to think about.

Teri said...

Beautiful!!! I wish that this was in my backyard. I'm sure if I took all the time to make it, the dogs would destroy it shortly after. Do you think dogs live in this artist's yard??

Ron said...

This is a great distraction but I'm with you, not enough patience in my bones!

Anonymous said...

You have the makings of a great motivational poster there, Randy.

Dawn said...

You may not have the patience to create THAT, but you're doing an amazing job hanging in there through all that work/assignments!
Beautiful capture and design.