Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nothing New

Someone asked if I went back to see how the empty canvas in yesterdays post was developing. After making several passes along Canyon Road the only thing I saw was people sitting around and talking with the artist. After the third pass I just moved on to see the other artists.


Allison said...

I've missed walking around Santa Fe with you, Randy!

Olivier said...

une petite discution entre ami apres une journee de peinture, sympa

Lowell said...

All you can do is try. But it's nice to see people sitting around, chatting and having a good time, too!

Marty said...

this is a nice shot ! beautiful weather, it's cool to can talk
with artists ! I love that !

Dawn said... we'll never know. Or may come across it in an art gallery somewhere...?

Sharon said... he being distracted too often?

parker said...

Maybe the artist is bashful about painting in a crowd. Neat looking bench for a ringside seat. Also a colorful hula hoop the young lady is holding.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a beautiful day!

Kate said...

Living in an area where fine arts has such a high priority must be one of the many pluses in SF.

TexWisGirl said...

too busy yacking - not enough paint daubing. :)

Luis Gomez said...

Well next time. It is good to see the artist talking to people.

Teresa said...

I saw a travel channel special yesterday on Santa Fe and of course they went to Canyon Rd--I immediately thought of you and how you able to see this kind of thing on a daily basis.

Magpie said...

Your efforts are appreciated. Maybe just wasn't meant to be.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Been catching up on posts missed while in Sydney, excellent collection of 'arty' images Randy. Maybe that was 'IT' yesterday, might be one of those 'you make what you like of it' artworks!! Hope you enjoyed the 'recycled' market, looked like it would be very interesting.

Thérèse said...

Could have been a teacher too...

Anonymous said...

My thought was the same as TexWisGirl. Too much jaw-jacking. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my work with people coming by all the time.

Cezar and Léia said...

They are enjoying the sunny day with friends, great chatting and beautiful art!

RedPat said...

She was waiting for inspiration!

VP said...

You caught a quite artistic pastel bench...

cieldequimper said...

I'm glad you're showing this wonderful bench!

Regina K said...

Guess the artist was waiting for an inspiration.

Cloudia said...

nice walking with you

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

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Kalyan Panja said...

lovely capture!

Thérèse said...

Randy, following your comment: that's the one: Pete Ortega, like written under the picture, from Santa Fe...