Monday, November 21, 2011

Gone Overboard

As you will remember from Saturdays post I went to the Clay Fair. I told myself that I would add a new piece to my collection. Well to say the least and as you can see I went a bit overboard. I've added 5 new tiles to my ever growing collection! Do I have buyers remorse you might ask. Heck no!


Olivier said...

des belles oeuvres qui nous montrent de beaux regards

Thérèse said...

Such a nice collection!

Magic Moments said...

It's very beautiful ... have a nice beginning of the week ..

Kathy said...

This looks like a good group to take home.

Marty said...

These are really beautiful ! I hope you have enough place !!!
have a happy week

Lúcia said...

I can see it was a good shopping day. ;-)

Kate said...

I'm not sure whether or not I dropped my message; if I didn't, just delete this one. I don't blame you for splurging a bit and buying all of these outstanding tiles. I doubt that you will ever regret it! I hope that I get to see your collection after we arrive.

Halcyon said...

I really like these tiles. They complement each other well. No reason for remorse that I see!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

THese are very nice !

Tanya Breese said...

you did good! enjoy them!

Irredento Urbanita said...

Lovey colorful portraits. For a great and family collection.



Barcelona Daily Photo

Luis Gomez said...

Really great Randy! Wonderful piece.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like very much your choices, Randy. You should not feel one bit remorseful! :)

becky said...

Awesome, Randy! Sometimes we just have to treat ourselves don't you think? If I recall correctly, you bought 3 last year? How many total? I wonder if you will do a mosaic of them when you find your new home.
Fun stuff. I'll be going to the SF Clay sale... I love to see what everyone's making!
Happy Monday!

TexWisGirl said...

well, then it was a good day!

Teresa said...

I love these! I could see how they would be an addicting collection.

Traveling Hawk said...

Good for you, Randy!

parker said...

I like your picks Randy. All winners in that group!

Lynette said...

I'd say you have a well-deserved case of thankful-buyer!

Magpie said...

How pieces in the collection now? This looks like a fun group.

Judy said...

So glad to see them! I think they will be happy to join the others at your place!

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome together!
Perfect with the blue background!
Cool photo Randy!

Allison said...

Never overboard! Your collections are part of your heart!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Great pieces!

Dawn said...

Love your buys. And buyer remorse is for the weak I say;))

Anonymous said...

Ah, it's only money and money isn't worth much anymore so why keep it? Enjoy.

cieldequimper said...

I knew it right away when I saw the thumbnail! Cool pieces, well done!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous - excellent choices!

RedPat said...

If it makes you happy - good for you! You only go around once.

VP said...

Excellent choices, sometimes we need to go overboard...

PauloSilva said...

Nice post! Have a nice week!

Lowell said...

You are so funny! Buyer's remorse over adding these to your collection? I don't think so!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Jack said...

You can't look back, Randy. You liked them, you wanted them, you paid for them, they're yours to enjoy.

Regina K said...

I never have remorse about buying art. You made some fabulous choices.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

very nice collection.

Ms. Becky said...

oh there's no way I would think that was going overboard. by the looks of it, it was impossible to choose. I believe it and would have done the same. I'd like to see the entire collection - I bet it's fantastic. you have excellent taste in art. happy week to you Randy.

Gunn said...

Love this!:)
Lucky owner!!