Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is one of the artists chalk tray that I shot during the Paint Out weekend on Canyon Road. When I saw it I thought of all you. You all bring me such joy with your colorful comments and the wonderful photos you post each day on your blogs. I appreciate every single one of you. Have a wonderful Sunday!


Kathy said...

Just looking at all these colors brings a smile to my face.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Colores para pintar el mundo...

Saludos y feliz domingo.

Cezar and Léia said...

Thanks for this gift!
God bless you!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Range is absolutely a lot ...

Traveling Hawk said...

This one is great, Randy! It looks wonderful with the many shades of the colors, and it reminds me of my childhood, when I always have been happy to receive a bunch of colored pencils!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful capture!

Anonymous said...

A work of art in itself. I think of the mess to clean up and reorganize someone accidentally knocked over his case.

Teresa said...

At first I thought is was a whole lot of corks!!!! whoops I probably just gave away an interesting concept but I don't care---my kids would have a hay-day with those chalks!

Sharon said...

It's used to create works of art and it almost looks like a work of art all by itself.

cieldequimper said...

Thanks Randy! This is a wonderful rainbow kaleidoscope!

Anonymous said...

Randy, the blogger world would be a very pale place without you!

TexWisGirl said...

my heart quickened a bit on the 'possibilities' i saw in that box of chalk, but your words then made me smile. you brighten our day just as much! :)

Lúcia said...

It's beautiful to see all this colours togeteher. :)

VP said...

Thank you, a great idea and a wonderful image.

Michaele said...

Amazing how the artists chalk is art. I thought it was a painting of chalk.
We love you too Randy.

Magpie said...

Oh, your kind words make me blush. I'm sure we all feel the same about you...I know I do.

Luis Gomez said...


RedPat said...

Their chalk box looks like art itself!
Sweet words Randy - I always look forward to seeing what you are going to show us each day!

Cesc Sales said...

Hello Randy. I love colours. Awesome photo!!

Ms. Becky said...

I LOVE this photo. I imagine what it would be like to actually be an artist and have all that color at hand to...create. it's a great find, all that color. I'm happy you shared it. because it makes me happy. good day to you Randy.

Lowell said...

Chalk one up for you! A very nice, very colorful photo! Hope you have a wonderful week filled with the colors of the rainbow!

Jack said...

You show us a new perspective today. I didn't know what chalk artists' trays look like. This one is quite orderly.

Unknown said...

This chalk tray is a piece of art! Thank you, Randy.

vn said...

I like that it's *as beautiful*
as any drawing that could be made

Thérèse said...

Such an optimistic palette!

Nat said...

Wow! Great subject for a photo :-)

Leif Hagen said...

Colorful and fun! Just think of all the wonderful art a gifted artist could make with it!

Dawn said...

A rainbow of colors.... Like your captures Randy! And thoughtful words.
Nice work yet again...hope your weekend was full of color:)

Michelle said...

That chalk tray is a piece of artwork itself.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

That box in itself is a work of art. Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Happiness !

A week for you alike.

daily athens photo

Olga said...

I love to paint with pastel chalks! In fact I still have an unfinished box of pastel from my first year of art school :)

Lynette said...

Randy, you are a sweetheart. I really like this photo, too. I've never seen such a sight--which happens often when I come to visit. Thanks!

Cloudia said...

Happy Wonderful Smile-inducing!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


becky said...

And we appreciate you, Randy!
Very colorful indeed. I was wondering if you went to the recycled art show this weekend- I saw the signs for it on the way to work.

parker said...

A very nice thing to say Randy. And let me echo all your readers with a Big Thanks to you for sharing such wonderful pics with us.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

All those shades of colors. A demonstration of nuance.

Pierre BOYER said...

I love this picture !
Greetings from France,
