Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Flower

Before the cold weather came along these little flowers were popping up everywhere. This little field is in front of my workplace. Turns out they are called Cowboy Daises. I kind of like that name.


Olivier said...

elles éclairent l'automne

Kate said...

I've noted that you've had some pretty cold temps lately. I doubt that those bright little blooms still look the same way! Week-end's comin' up!!

Kathy said...

I like that name too! Do you have any cowgirl roses around?

Johanna said...

I loved the name too - cowboy daises! Your lucky to have this pretty patch in front of your workplace.:)
Check this if you wish -
Language of Flowers
Can you speak the language of flowers?

Lúcia said...

We have plenty of them here now.
Cool name! ;-)

Thérèse said...

"Cowboy daisies": what a cute name. And these sunflowers have quite an unusual design.

Judy said...

Just what I needed after the snowfall we had yesterday.

Magic Moments said...

Beautiful blog and photos...

TexWisGirl said...

oh neat! i want a field of them here!!! :)

Luis Gomez said...

It is so wonderful!

parker said...

Bright and coloful flower, and there's alot of them. Wonder if they are classified as a Wildflower?

Marty said...

so many little suns in a field ! beautiful yellow !

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of Cowboy Daisies. I wonder if deer like them. We have to have flowers deer do not eat.

Anonymous said...

Yeehaw! These are so pretty!

Lowell said...

They are pretty! I think these grow in southwestern Colorado, too. I had not heard that name before, though. It has a nice ring to it!

Sandy said...

This picture makes me seriously happy. wonderful shot. Have a nice day! =)

Leslie D. said...

Great name! and the happiest flower I know

Anonymous said...


Dawn said...

Like the name and the flower!

Halcyon said...

I like them too! A nice pop of color in the fall.

RedPat said...

They are quite lovely as is your pic!

VP said...

curiously I have the same flowers not far from my workplace, but you caught them in a better light!

Teresa said...

I kinda like cowboys and daisies, so it's a WIN-WIN for me!!!

Carola said...

Fantastic name for this lovely flowers.

Linda said...

what a great infusion of sunshine!

Jack said...

It looks like they are providing a last gasp of bright summer color for you. Nice.

cieldequimper said...

I hope it isn't going to freeze soon! That's a wonderful splash of colour!

EG CameraGirl said...

They are very pretty. Cowboy daisies? Great name.

Sharon said...

Now that is just plain cheerful!

Rob said...

Such a happy flower, like a mini sun growing on the ground.

Magpie said...

It is an unusual name, but I like it.

Anonymous said...

It is a cute name. Wonderful post!