Thursday, August 4, 2011

Spanish Market #4

One of my favorites at Spanish Market every year is the work of Peter Ortega. He carves the most beautiful angels. I also love the his large Bultos like this one carved from an old tree trunk.

Here is a brief description for those of you who have asked about these pieces: These brightly colored sculptures of santos (saints) or other religious figures are carved from the wood of trees that grow in New Mexico: cottonwood, cottonwood roots, aspen and pine. Bultos are used for daily reverence, for general decoration, and as a talisman in churches and private homes.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

I would like one of these as a talisman in my garden Randy, they are beautifully carved.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo Randy!
Picking up happy vibes :)

Craig said...

That's quite remarkable. I'm amazed at that level of talent. The birds are wonderful!

Olivier said...

elle est conviviale cette statue , elle nous invite a venir dans son monde

de wereld volgens essi said...

It´s beautiful, merry sculpture. Great picture.
Have a lovely weekend Randy.
Greetings, Essi

Kate said...

The Ortega family is multi-gifted!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful and so creative angel sculpture and your picture is great! :)
I would love visiting this market!

VP said...

He is not Bernini, but the sculpture is effectual and expressive.

Regina K said...

This one is amazing especially further down the trunk remains as original tree, I like how he is inviting you in.

Marty said...

I'm always surprised what some artists can do with a piece of wood!
have a nice day Randy

TexWisGirl said...

that is so neat. i love how artists can see something inside of a tree trunk or piece of marble and let it come forth.

Kathy said...

Thanks for the info. I've been meaning to look it up but have been strapped for time!

Halcyon said...

This is really fantastic. That carving is so lifelike!

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice carvings Randy.

Leif Hagen said...

A very cool wood carving! So much great art in your neck of the woods, or desert rather.
Happy Thursday, Dandy Randy

Lowell said...

I am always in awe of people who have the skill to carve something like this from a tree trunk! Actually I'm in awe of people who can carve anything from anything!

A very striking figure!

Lúcia said...

I agree with you Randy, his work is fantastic!!!
Have a nice day! ;-)

becky said...

really cool- wish i could've seen it in person!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with how an artist can visualize a finished piece in a plain old hunk of wood, rock or lump of clay.

Sharon said...

It looks like a happy saint!

Anonymous said...

It simply amazes me the talent some people have. PS: Yes you can use Mobile Monet on the iPhone.

PauloSilva said...

Thank you very much my friend!
Your support is important to me!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

hey randy...happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen...

loved reading this post...they are beautiful

am happy to follow , my friend


cieldequimper said...

This is so full of joy!

RedPat said...

Love those little birds that have been added!

Magpie said...

That face is so serene!

Carola said...

Great work. Interesting informatíons. I like wood carvings.

Dawn said...

That is absolutely incredible work! Wow. What an artist!!

Elettra said...

are just some good work !!!!!!!!

Teri said...

Incredible carvings. Can we find him someplace via our computers? Do he have a web address or blog? I would love to read more about him. Thanks for posting.

Unknown said...

His work is very cool.

Traveling Hawk said...

It's a remarkable work, speaking about the artist's talent

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Really like this one :)