Friday, August 19, 2011

Paint the Sky

This easel is always outside of the Ladell studio on Canyon Road. The horse in the reflection of the sky were my target for this shot. Have super weekend everyone! I don't know about all of you but it's been a long week.


Craig said...

How beautiful. Sante Fe is such an artistic and creative town. Which is why I'm sure you love living there. Enjoy your weekend too!

Traveling Hawk said...

A very creative one, Randy!

Allison said...

Yes it has been a LONG week! This weekend sounds like Piña Colada to me. There's plenty if you want to swing by. (I actually mean that, Randy! Just catch a plane and fly on over. There's always room for you).


Lowell said...

I like all the color in this shot. And the horse/sky combination is very interesting. Good eye.

By the way, Beef O'Brady's at 5 for Wings. You'd better get on your horse!

Anonymous said...

Have Big fun at the Santa Fe Indian Market Randy!

VP said...

Short week here, on Monnday we had Ferragosto, a holiday... Love that easel, they are working on something big!

Halcyon said...

A very nice reflection. Do they ever display works on that easel?

Birdman said...

There's a lot going on in this one. Ya, cool sky.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot! The window is so nice.
Have a good weekend!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Agreed Randy, a loooong week!! You captured the horse well in the reflections, great shot. You have a relaxing weekend too!

Lúcia said...

I can see this studio has very interesting works!
Have a good weekend!

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Randy! Have a nice weekend as well!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Cool photo. I love how "artsy" Santa Fe is.

TexWisGirl said...

the easel looks well-used. :)

Regina K said...

There is lots to see in this photo, love the easel and the horse in the sky. Mostly I am excited about the Indian Market, have a couple of Indian tacos for me... Oh how I miss those from the vendors around the square.

Kate said...

But week-ends are rewards. Soon you'll be walking the Plaza, enjoying the Indian Market. Hope to see you on this trip!!

Sharon said...

A long week indeed! Glad this is the last day of it. Have a great weekend.

Marty said...

j'aime beaucoup ce chevalet plein de couleurs et la vitrine !
je te souhaite un merveilleux weekend!

Anonymous said...

The easel is a piece of art in itself.

Jack said...

After a long week, a busy weekend at the Plaza for Indian Market is obligatory. Plenty of good pix.

RedPat said...

It's been a long month so far! Cool scene - you have so many galleries there.

cieldequimper said...

Excellent, there is so much to look at in this shot!

Have a great weekend too (it was a short week here as Monday was a holiday but still it seemed to drage on forever and ever... :-))

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love the colors and the artist's easel, obviously well-used!


Unknown said...

So many details! The easel is very cool.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Been a long hot week here. I know you focus was the horse, but I sort of like the easel...a work of art in itself.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I think there are many sentimental subjects where you live and Happy World Photography Day, my friend !

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I hope you enjoy the weekend. Keep taking lots of great photos to share with us!

T. Becque said...

Nice with the sun and all the colors. Yes, thankfully it's the weekend!!

Cindy said...

There is so much to see in this shot. I love the easel and the reflections are so intriguing.

Magpie said...

Who was wearing the yellow shirt who got caught in your reflection shot too? I'm glad you've come to the end of your long week and are gearing up for the weekend.

Elettra said...

Are virtually there for this extraordinary event !!!!!!!

Carola said...

What an interesting shot, nice colors, great reflection and some lovely words. That's Santa Fe Daily Photo. Thanks Randy, visiting your blog is always a pleasure. I've been a bit short on blogging time, so you get the comments now.

Tanya Breese said...

love the pastels on the easel, creative photo!