Friday, June 24, 2011

High In The Sky

Yesterday as I was leaving work I saw people pointing to the sky. To my horror I saw this plume of smoke growing with every second. It appears that the fire found more to burn and really fast. As of yesterday the fire was 10 percent contained. I am sure by morning that number will not have grown. I hope you all have a peaceful weekend.


Olivier said...

j'espere que le feu ne va pas se propager et faire trop de degat ;(

Carola said...

What a big cloud of smoke.
Hope the fire stops soon.

VP said...

An impressive and quite frightening plume of smoke!

Doug Hickok said...

We have been getting heavy smoke from the Georgia wild fires. The air quality has been horrible along with the heat. But hopefully the weekend will be better. Have a nice time this weekend Randy.

cieldequimper said...

And I hope your weekend isn't full of angst.

Birdman said...

Ya, some tough times out West with all these fires.

TexWisGirl said...

between floods, fires, tornados, drought, seems we've got it all - even before the hurricanes and earthquakes kick in...

Luis Gomez said...

Sorry to hear Randy.

Unknown said...

I thought this was a cloud barrier... Very scary! Hope the fire is under control soon.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Once the big fires start it seems like they go on forever, so hard to contain and keep under control. Especially if it's hot and windy. So sorry to hear you're still having this going on out your way Randy. Hope it's all over soon.

Lynette said...

Oh, Randy. I hope everything gets under control real soon.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

We will hope for rain for you folks down there! We had high winds last night knocking over trees. Mother Nature is powerful indeed!

Anonymous said...

Like JM said, it looks to be clouds. Who would know had you not said otherwise. Looking forward to more updates. Make the best of your weekend inspite of all the smoke.

Jack said...

Good luck, Randy. It looked like a pretty cloud to me before I read your post.

Montreal Photo Daily said...

Not good. Any chance of some rain on the weekend? I hope they contain the fire soon. Stay safe.

Have a happy Friday!
Bonne Saint-Jean!

Regina K said...

I sure hope that fire is under better containment today

Judy said...

Always a frightening sight when you live in the dry southwest.
Hope your weekend will bring a bit of rain but no lightening.

Lúcia said...

That's sad news....
I hope the firemen can stop the fire very soon.

EG CameraGirl said...

I sure hope the fires burn out soon!

RedPat said...

That looks quite close! I too thought that it was a cloud.

Amanda said...

Hope they get it under control. We had some heathfires in a nearby county and 2/3rd of the wildlife in the area were lost :(

PETRO50 said...

These fires are terrible. Ravages rare nature. Still, the smoke goes in the opposite direction. I wish you our rain. Peter.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Oh, boy! I hope they're able to get better control of the fires soon!

Michelle said...

That is a huge cloud of smoke. I do hope it does get contained.

Linda said...

Very alarming. Despite the serious subject matter, your photo is a great composition.

becky said...

Yes, I saw this, too. It looked as bad as it did the first day. I checked the inciweb this morning- 6,000 acres burned & 18% containment. Stage 3 fire restrictions means pretty much all trails closed in the forest. I don't think our near-record heat is helping. I hear 10% chance of thunderstorms- but yikes, I hope some rain comes, not just lightning!

Alan said...

Fingers crossed over here, Randy...

Allison said...

I hope you had a peaceful weekend, Randy. Here are rain-wishes coming your way...