Sunday, June 26, 2011

Elton's Glasses

Yesterday after the Farmer's Market I decided to cruise through the Gay Pride event at the Railyard park. I caught this shot of this guy with his Elton John style glasses and Marilyn Monroe t-shirt near the entrance. It was pretty hot outside so it was a pretty quick cruise but I did manage to get some interesting photos.


Anonymous said...

Nice :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like it was a colourful Gay parade Randy, I bet you got some interesting shots, can't wait to see. Elton looks pretty pleased to be there haha!

Anonymous said...

Nice find! The depth feeling of street is also nice.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

He lacks the flare of Elton John ... an interesting gathering of such !

Birdman said...

Cool shot!

Carola said...

Cool shot from a cool guy. A colorful opportunity for photography.

Irredento Urbanita said...

That party must be very funny and oolorful.



Barcelona Daily Photo

becky said...

Maybe that guy wasn't smiling 'cause it was too hot!

Traveling Hawk said...

Interesting look!

cieldequimper said...

So how hot was it? I think I'd have stayed in a cold bathtub, lol! :-) Cool shot, I wonder if he'll still wear those glasses when he's as old as Sir Elton John...

Doug Hickok said...

Wonderful catch. I remember very well growing-up listening to his music and being astonished with his bizarre costumes, and the big sunglasses being his trademark.

TexWisGirl said...


Luis Gomez said...

Excellent Randy. Is there a parade in Santa Fe?

Regina K said...

Yes, interesting.

Leif Hagen said...

Yesterday was the Gay Pride parade in Minneapolis, too!

Anonymous said...

This was the big gay pride day weekend in San Francisco too. You can just imagine (or maybe not) the event here in the mecca of gayness. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I've had good friends who were gay and no doubt they are the funniest people to hang around with.

Lúcia said...

Cool glasses!
We also have Gay Pride here today, 3 million people are expected, I'd like to take some shots but it's too crowded for me.

Sharon said...

Love those glasses! I bet you got some great photos.

VP said...

This should be full of interesting photo ops...

Unknown said...

There was a Gay Pride party in Lisbon yesterday too and I bet I could have taken some cool shots, but I went to a dinner party and didn't managed to go there.

Judy said...

I like the glasses, they do remind me of Elton. I like the flags too, and the way they are displayed from the framework. Looks like it would have been a fun day if it wasn't so darn hot! We are having the same problem.

Montreal Photo Daily said...

You'd go hysterical if I dressed like that! But he wears it so well.

Happy Pride Santa Fe!

Ignacio Santana said...

Hola, Randy!!!...muchas gracias por visitar mi blog...eres muy amable.

Me gustan tus fotografías mostrando escenas cotidianas...un abrazo!!! ;)

PETRO50 said...

Good mediation events. It must have been interesting. Hello.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

I enjoy going to our local farmers market, lots to see & an ethnic food court of great variety!
How is the fires? Any hope of rain yet?

Olivier said...

une fete toujours autant vivante, bien vu la photo

Lynette said...

Neat shot. Reminds me that I lost my sunglasses yesterday. Yes, we do need sunglasses in Portland, Oregon. I'll have to get another pair soon because our sunny days are arriving more often now. said...

great randy,hope have you see a lot of smart people,and,take a lot of smart pics as in milan....

Anonymous said...

Interesting post dear randy ... As always !! :))


Jack said...

Elton looks a bit unsure about why he is having his picture taken . . .

Michelle said...

I like his glasses. We met a neighboring farmer on the road (he was driving a four-wheeler) and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses like this. Totally cracked me up. Funny to see them here.

Allison said...

Really interesting, Randy. There was recently a huge gay pride demonstration in Bern. But I don't remember Marilyn being gay. :D

Rae Walter said...

That is such a great shot. Love the Munro T shirt combined with Elton John glasses.