Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Turkey Advertising

One of the local school advertising their annual Turkey Trot 5K Walk/Run. This is always on Thanksgiving Day and can be quite challanging if it snows.


Mersad said...

Looks very colorful and fun!

Mersad Donko Photography

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Colorful turkey trotters.

Thérèse said...

Indeed 5K in the snow is not for everyone!
Such a fun ad!

VP said...

This is great, but I can't imagine it under the snow...

Tanya Breese said...

we have one here too! very colorful people in your photo!

Birdman said...

We have a Turkey Trot every Sat. before T-day around here. Fun for the kids.

TexWisGirl said...

there's a turkey trot in dallas, too. :) cute leggings!

Anonymous said...

Save the turkeys!

Sharon said...

Nice way to advertise but, don't you think that turkey should have been trotting instead of riding?

Judy said...

You got a nice smile and wave!

RedPat said...

We have Turkey Trots here too but our Thanksgiving is this coming Monday so there is little chance of snow!

William Kendall said...

Colourful indeed!

Paul said...

Looks like the group in this picture are having a great time at their Turkey Trot!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

5K in the snow !

Halcyon said...

I cannot imagine doing a 5k in sun or snow! ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, this one made me smile. ;)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yes I can see how that would be a challenge Randy.. let's hope for a clear day!

Kate said...

The students involved look pretty determined to advertise the event.