Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Colors II

This was taken a few weekends ago up near the Aspen Vista trail. Wishing you all a very happy Friday.


VP said...

A patch of bright yellow in the middle of the green!

Luis Gomez said...

Pretty Much Randy. Have a nice weekend.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Not getting any color here but near us there is some, I think it has been so wet that the color will hold off awhile.

Olivier said...

cette belle touche de jaune est super, beau paysage

Rick Forrestal said...

Beautiful shot.
Love these colors.

TexWisGirl said...

lovely bright spot.

Anonymous said...

Someone has to be first

RedPat said...

It's funny how one tree gets a jump on the rest in changing colours! Nice catch, Randy.

William Kendall said...

I like the contrast in colours. And we'll often see a certain type of tree here lead the way in turning colours as well.

Judy said...

Nice and bright!

Sharon said...


Michelle said...

Lovely spot of color. Aspens are so beautiful!

Thérèse said...

What a nice contrast!

Paul said...

Nice fall scenery! I'll bet that if you went back now, two weeks later it would be even more colorful.

Kate said...

Ah, thank you for the Aspens!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a very lovely 'individual' splash of autumn colour Randy.. hope you enjoyed your hike.