Saturday, October 18, 2014

In Town Fall Colors

The other day while walking through the Railyard I saw these three trees. I guess the one on the right could not make up it's mind. Today when I walk by I am sure it will be yellow.


Lynette said...

Nature's box of crayons, Randy. Swell photo!

cieldequimper said...

This could be the beginning of a children's book: the railyard baby trees... :-)

Rick Forrestal said...

Each tree gives its own show.
Love it.

Luis Gomez said...

Nice find Randy. Perfect for Fall.

Birdman said...

A couple more cold nights should do the deed.

VP said...

Amazing: three trees, three different colors!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i like it!

Sharon said...

How fun to catch these three showing off their variety of colors.

Anonymous said...

You guys go ahead. I'm not ready yet.

Judy said...

The three different colors made an eye-catching picture.

William Kendall said...

A good contrast between the trio.

RedPat said...

A nice capture, Randy!

Michelle said...

What a perfect trio of colors.

Paul said...

Nice find Randy, just like a traffic light, green, yellow and red!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Tres belle!

Jack said...

You have a good eye, seeing these three identical but different trees.

Kate said...

The trio of trees show nature at work!

Gunn said...


This made me stop:)